The Intensity

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I was sitting in Mr. Lowe's day dreaming about the kiss Robert and I share. I still had goosebumps that haven't gone away. I could still feel his soft gentle lips and his the taste of his tongue as caressed mine. Snap out of it Lori! Don't forget the fact that he's your principle and way older than you. I wonder if things are going to be akward between us. Just because we did something wrong didn't mean we can't stop talking. We are going to be seeing eachother all the time.

I ended up snapping out of my train of thought when Mr. Lowe was shouting at me. "Miss. James, are you paying attention?" I look up at him as he stood there with his hands on hips. I could feel everyone staring at me as they waited for me to reply. "Yes, sir." I lied. "Really? Then would you be kind enough to answer the question on the board." I looked over at the board to see a question of 'When did the civil war start?' I sat there a moment trying to remember. "The civil war started April 12, 1861." He was on the vurge of correcting me when he realized I was right. He glared at me and said, "Lucky guess. Do me a favor and pay attention in my class. I take it as an insult." Boy does Mr. Lowe hate me. Out of all my teachers he's the only one I have an issue with. Class ended and I was placing my books in my bag. "Miss. James don't even think about stepping out that door. You and I need to talk." I let out a sigh and sat back down on my seat. Once everyone was gone Mr. Lowe came walking slowly to me. I was completely nervous waiting for him to say something to me. "Lori, you've been here for two days and I feel like I should tell you how I feel." I looked up at him in confusion. "What might that be, Sir?" I asked shakingly. "I don't like you." My eyes widen breaking eye contact with him. "May I ask why?" "It's because your a suck up. Always using your charm to get what you want. It's discusting." "You have that all wrong, Mr. Lowe. I like telling my teachers that I really appreciate them. As for getting my way, I've never had that luxury." "Don't give me that Miss. James. Mr. Downey has never strayed from the rules. You obviously sweet talk your way into getting out of detention." "No, I did not. You were unfair to me by saying I was late. I was in the room when the bell finally rang." I shot up for my seat to go and walk out. Mr. Lowe took a firm grip on my arm. "I'm through talking to you young lady!" "Well, I'm done listening to you! I get it you don't like me but, do yourself a favor and deal with it like a normal human being. I don't want to have to report you. Now let go!" I pulled my arm away from his grip and stormed off.

What a jerk? I can't believe he would say stuff like that to me. I decided not to do anything about it but, if it got out of hand I was reporting him. The rest of the day was a blur. I looked over in the hallways seeing Robert standing the smiling at me. I kept walking with a big smile on my face. I looked up at him as walked past him. "Have a wonderful day, Miss James." he shouted. I turned around and gave him a wink as I walked backward. "You too, Mr. Downey!" I shouted back and walked into my class. My mood got better as I sat in my class. Geez, how does Robert do that? I felt so crappy earlier but, then I see him and I feel better. What the hell am I getting myself into with this man? He was so wonderful yet, sexy all in one. God, Lori stop thinking about him like that!

I was walking back to my cabin after school when I saw a white volvo convertible drove up in front of me. The window came down and I saw Robert leaning over the seat. "Get in!" he yelled. I opened the door and jumped in as he sped off down the dirt road. He drove out on to the highway and let's the sun roof roll down as my hair began to blow in the wind. I let out a laugh as I raised my arms up letting out a joyful scream. Robert looked over at me with his shades on laughing at me. He reached in to the glove compartment as pulled out a pair of sunglasses and handed them to me. I put them on and look him smiling. "You look cute in my shades." he said. "Thank you." I replied. I noticed we were heading into the city. "Where are you taking me?" "To this nice jazz spot here. Everyone in New York loves it and so will you." I smiled at him as I looked out the window. I felt his hand on mine as he interlaced our fingers. His hand was so warm and soft as I held his hand.

We pulled up to jazz spot called "Blue Note". Robert helped me out as we walked inside. I could hear the smooth jazz band playing as we sat down taking our seat. Robert ordered us some ice tea and recommended me to try their special. He didn't tell what it was but, I trusted him enough to think it was good. We watched the band play while we waited. I nodded my head to the music and tapped my fingers on the table. The place was amazing as I seen people dancing and eating. "Do you like it here?" asked Robert. "I love it." I answered as I enjoyed the music playing smooth and low. The waiter came back with our drinks. "You're meals will be ready in just a few minutes." said the waiter. Robert nodded his head and took a sip of his tea. He stood up and held out his hand to me. "You wanna dance?" he asked. I blushed and took his hand as he led me to the dancefloor. He held me close to him as we dance. I felt so akward dancing with him thinking in my head 'Is this a date?' I just had to ask. "Robert, not that I'm complaining or anything. I'm just curious. Is this a date?" He let out a chuckle and answers, "That depends on you. I consider it as hanging out with a really good friend." "I'm serious." "Well, do you want it to be?" I thought for a second do I want this to be a date? He's the only person who is being my friend. Henry's friends quit talking to me after our fight. But, what if we get caught? I don't want Robert to go to jail and lose his job. "There's apart of me that does and a part of me that doesn't." "If you're worried about us getting caught don't. We'll just take it slow and try not to make it noticable." "This is so crazy, I can't believe I'm even considering it." "So, you want to go out with me?" "Aren't I already." Robert cupped my face in his hand as place a small kiss on my lips.

We ate our dinner which was really delicious. We dance some more as we talked about life and what we enjoy. We seemed almost similar only I was good girl and he was obviously a bad boy at heart. We left the jazz club and headed back home. Robert blared the radio to some classic rock music as we sang the lyrics together. Robert drove over on to the open field as we got out and laid on the hood of the car staring at the stars. "This is amazing, I never thought I would be laying here looking up at the stars with a girl I really like." I looked over at him and smiled. "Me too. Yet with a guy." We both let out a laugh. "It's getting late. I need to get some sleep because I'm visitng my parent's tomorrow." I said sitting up. "All weekend?" he asked as helped me off the car. "No just for a few hours. I do have a lot of homework over the weekend." "Oh good. I'll come over and help you." "I don't think so. Remember we at least have to keep this a secret. Besides no boys in the girls dorm." A smirk grew across his face as he pulled me close to him. He leaned in for a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck holding him close to me as our lips moved in unison. Our tongues danced in eachothers mouth. His kiss was so intense and passionate. I grew weak in the knees. He slowly pulled away and opened the car door. I got in as he walked over to get in as well. He closed the sun roof as we drove over to my cabin. Before, I got out Robert pulled me into another kiss. I slowly back away and smiled. "Good night, Lori." he whispered. "Good night." I grabbed my bag and stepped out the car. Robert drove off and I went to unlock my door. I felt a tug on my shoulder as I spun around to see Miss Rowan standing there. She looked furious as she stood there glaring at me. "Miss Rowan are you okay?" I asked. "Do you actually think I don't know what's going on between you and the principle of the school?" she said. "I don't understand." "Don't you dare lie to me! Everytime I walk into his office, there you are acting all suspicious. Like you have doing something your not suppose to." "Miss Rowan, I don't understand where this coming from." "Stop lying! Then who was that who dropped you off? That looks exactly like Robert's car." "That was my cousin Larry, he picked me up earlier because I had called him. I just got back from dinner with my family." She stood there for a moment taking in what I told which of course was a lie. "You know what fine. But, I still think there is something going on between you and him." Miss Rowan stormed of my porch. I walked inside and closed the door. I leaned back against the door running my hands through my hair. This is not good. She suspect something but the way she acted about was like out of jealousy. Why do I get the feeling Miss Rowan likes Robert? Now, I really need to be careful.

*Do you think Lacy will discover them? Do you think Lori will break it off because of Lacy? Next chapter soon.*

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