Heart Attack

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The drama from last month took a huge toll on me. I don't know if I can go on. I broke complete contact with Robert. He would call and text me but I would never answer. I hated feeling like this. I know it's not fair to do this to him. I just don't want him near. I'm nothing but trouble. I was sitting on the couch when a knock came at my door. It better not be Robert. I opened it and it was Shana. "Hey can I come in?" she asked. I nodded my head and went to sit back down on the couch. Shana closed the door and sat down next to me. "Lori, what's going on with you? Ever since Henry died and that whole Lacy shit went down you have been very distant." "I have my reasons." I snapped feeling annoyed. "I'm sick of seeing you sad. Robert has been asking me about you non-stop. Why don't you talk to him." "I don't want to talk to him!" "Why?! He loves you Lori. He's risking everything for you! Are you wanting to throw that all away?!" "Get out!" "Lori, will you just listen to me!" "I said get the fuck out of my cabin! Now!" I stood up grabbing her arm and shoving her out the door. I slammed the door on her and went into my room. What the fuck is wrong with me? I laid there in my bed crying.

I heard another knock on my door and I got up. I swung the door open to see Robert standing there. He looked drunk with his hair all a mess and clothes all wrinkled. I go to shut the door on him when he pushed it back open. He was stumbling inside while closing the door. "Get out of my cabin Robert! You're drunk." I yelled. "No! We need to talk." said Robert all slurrish. "Not while you're like this go home!" "I don't give a shit! We...we are going to talk." "What do you want?!" "I want to know why you are ignoring me! Did I do something wrong?" "It's not Robert it's me." "Then tell me what you are feeling. It would be so much easier instead of hiding." "Okay, fine. I want to break up." The room grew silent as we just stood there looking at eachother. I can see his eyes water as so were mine. The saddness in his face broke my heart. He grabbed me by my arms and shook me. "Why?!" he screamed. "I'm nothing but trouble for you. Ever since we have been together shit has gone to hell! I'm doing this because I don't want to be a hazard in you life!" "I DON'T CARE! I LOVE YOU WITH MY HEART LORI! I CAN'T LIVE WITH OUT YOU!" "Yes you can! Please don't make this harder than it has to be!" "NO! I'M NOT LOSING YOU! Baby please don't do this." "I'm sorry, Robert. But, it's over I don't love you anymore." Robert stepped away from me and opened the door. "That's fine. Have it your way." He stumbles out slamming the door behind him. My heart was pounding and my head was feeling woozy. What the fuck am I doing? I opened the door and ran on to the dirt road. I can see Robert fumbling to his car. It was getting hard to breath and I felt a sharp pain in my chest. "ROBERT!" I screamed. I then fell to the ground and blacked out.


I was speeding down the highway trying to make it to the hospital. Lori laid in the back seat motionless. I finally made it and carried her inside. The nurse led me down the hall and into a room. I laid her down gently as the nurses and doctor came in to work on her. I stood there watching them hook her up to different machines. "She has no pulse start the chest compressions and charge the AED stat." said the doctor. My heart sank as I watched the nurse do chest compressions. "Fully charged, Sir." said one of the nurses. The open up Lori's shirt. "Ready! Clear!" The doctor placed the paddles on her chest giving her an electric shock. When I seen her body jump I did the same. Come on baby you can do this! The monitor began peeping her heart rate was back to normal. "She's back. Take her into ICU." The doctor seen me and walked over. "Are you the father?" he asked. "No, I'm her friend. What happen to her?" I replied. "She suffered a mild heart attack. I won't know what caused until I look at her chart. What's her name?" "Lorina James." "Alright, I'm going to go look at her chart. If anything happens I will let you know." "Thank you doctor I will be in the waiting room."

I called Lori's parents to let them know what had happened. They said they would be there first thing in the morning. I kept asking the nurses if she had waken up. So, far no. I fell asleep for a few hours until the nurse woke me up. "Sir, your friend is awake. She has been calling you name for the past ten minutes. Come with me." said the nurse smiling at me. I immediately got up and followed behind her.


I kept screaming for Robert as I laid there in the hospital bed. The nurse tried to calm me down but I wanted Robert. "Okay, Miss James he's here." said the nurse. I looked to see Robert standing there. He looked like shit. He had a five o'clock shadow, his hair all a mess, eyes puffy, and he looked pale. I reached out my arms to him and he quickly fell in between my arms. He buried his face into my chest crying. I held him close to me kissing the top of his head repeatly. "I'm so sorry Robert. I lied to you. I do love you. I love you more than anything in the whole wide world." Before I could say anymore he crashed his lips against mine. I held onto him as we kissed eachother passionately. He pulled away slowly holding my face in his hands. "It's okay. Don't apologize for anything. I know you feel discourage but, I swear to you we can work this out. Breaking up will only make things worse. Promise me you will stay strong." I smiled at him and caressed his cheek. He was right. I can't live without him. We have gotten so far it would be useless to end now. "I love you, Robert. It was a moment of weakness and seeing you walk out that door killed me inside. I promise you I will stay strong." "I love you, Lori." He kissed me once more and wrapped his arms around me.

**Next update soon. Sad news this story has reaching it's end. I don't know if I'm doing a sequel. I doubt it. Vote and Comment please. Also check out "Road Trip From Hell" and also the sequel to Salvation is coming up soon.**

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