A Night of Giving

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Everyone was at the banquet hall after school decorating and arranging the tables. I was walking around with my clipboard in hand as I checked to make sure we had everything. Shana runs up to me smiling. "Principle Hottie at 4 o'clock." she said giggling. I looked to Robert standing there in jeans and black tank top shirt. I was drooling over how the tank top exposed his rippling abs and his massive tones arms. I'm use to him in his signature suits but this was the icing on the cake. "I think my oviaries just exploded." said Shana biting her lips. I busted out laughing at her as I look to see Robert coming towards us. "Evening ladies, thought I'd drop by and lend a hand. Just tell me where to go and I'll get started." said Robert smiling. I smiled back and replied, "Yes, you can help those boys over there with the tables." "Fantastic, watch these bad boys at work." He flexed one arm as he winking at us as he walked away. "Oh honey, you have no idea how much I'm going to be watching you today." mumbled Shana. "You got that right." I said. "You are so lucky."

I was walking around eyeing Robert from a distance as he was arranging the tables. God, his arms were amazing. So tight and muscular as he lifted up a table. He smiled over at me giving me a wink. I blushed and smiled back at him. "Hey, Lori the banner is all set." I quickly glanced to my side to see Henry smiling at me. I totally forgot he was even here. "Oh, hey um let me see." He put his arm around me as he lead me over to the banner. The kids from the art class made it and it hung beautifully on the wall. "It perfect great job." "Thanks, I'm glad you like it." I could feel eyes were on my as I glanced at Robert. I could see jealousy written on his face. I shrugged Henry's arm of me as I stepped away slowly. "Keep up the good work." "Lori, wait! I need to know if you want us to hang the steamers swirl wise or straight wise." "Um, swirl wise." "Are you ignoring me on purpose?" "Yes." "Why? Aren't we friends?" "Yes we are friends but, I don't feel like talking about." "Is it because you still don't trust me?" "Henry could you just drop it." "Fine, whatever." Henry walked away. I could tell he was pissed yet, I didn't care.

After everything was finished we all left back to school in buses. About 40 of us including some teachers voluteered to help at the banquet. I was all dress up in a nice flowing short dress with floral designs and white pumps. My hair was pulled back into a high ponytail. I walked out of my cabin to see Robert parked in front. I jumped in looked over at Robert. He was nicely dress in a brown v-neck sweater and black slacks. He smiled at me as he leaned over to kiss me. He pulled away slowly tracing his finger down my cheek. "You look beautiful." he whispered. His voice was so dark and seductive that my heart began to pound against my chest. "Thank you. I like your sweater." I said giving him a peck on the lips. He have me a smirk and leaned back to his seat. "Thank you." Robert turned the car on and drove of down the road.

We arrived to the banquet hall as we walked up inside. It was packed with families smiling and eating. All the kids were running around and playing at the activities stands around the room. "Amazing turn out and its all thanks to you." said Robert wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I smiled to myself as I looked around. Robert quickly removed his arm as I seen the superintendent walking up to us. "Mr. Downey, may I have the pleasure of saying that this is one fantastic event your students have created." he said shaking Robert's hand. "Thank you, Mr. Cole but, the person you should thank is this wonderful young lady right here. It was her organization that made this all possible." answered Robert placing his hand on my shoulder. Mr. Cole looked at me with suprise as he took my hand into his. "Is that so? What is you name my dear?" "Lorina James, Sir." I said smiling at him. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well. What is the name of you organization?" "Helping Hand, its an organization that helps needy familes recieve food, clothes, and obviously making their holiday's worth celebrating." "Consider your organization fully supported by me. I saw the flyer last week and I just had to come see. I'm impressed and I expect to hear great things about this organization real soon." Mr. Cole gave us one last smile and walked out. "That was nice you have another generous sponsor on your hands." said Robert. I let out a laugh as we went to join in to eat with the other families.

Hannah Richards the student class president stepped up to the podium and began reading her speech. "Good evening everyone, we want to thank you all for coming to our thanksgiving event tonight. Did everyone enjoy your meal?" Everyone clapped and cheered. "I take that as a yes. Well thanks to the "Helping Hands" organization created by one of West Columbia's hardest work students. We were able to raise over five thousand dollars in order to make this event possible. Thanks to the student, facuilty, and parents this organization was able to meet it's promises. I would like to present the leader and founder of the "Helping Hands" Lorina James." I stood up as everyone looked at me as I walked over to the podium. They were cheering and clapping. I looked out to the crowd and smiled. I saw Robert standing there smiling at me and clapping his hands. "Thank you. I just want to say that I'm very greatful to everyone who is apart of Helping Hands. This night was a big success and seeing all of the families smiling having a wonderful time. It lets the members of this organization know we did a good job making your lives meaningful on this special holiday. Thanksgiving is know as the day of giving and today that's exactly what we did for you." Every stood up and cheered. I smiled at them as I walked back over to my table. "Beautiful speech." whispered Robert into my ear. I smiled at him and gave him a hug.

The drive back was silent as we made it back to the school. We pulled up to my cabin and I got out. Robert walked me to the door. "Tonight was fun, I'm so proud of you." said Robert leaning up against the door. "It was, maybe it could be even more fun." I said running my hand up Robert's chest. "Someone's feeling naughty." I smiled up at him as I crashed my lips against his. He pulled away slowly cupping my face in his hands. "Lori, are you sure you want to do this? I just want you to know that I'm willing to wait." "I'm ready besides aren't you suppose to lose it to the one you love." "Oh Lori, you just keep suprising me don't you." I bit my lip and went to unlock the door. We went inside and I locked the door behind me. I led Robert to my room and closed the door behind me. He sat down on the bed as slowly walked up to him. "Can you unzip me?" I asked smiling at him. The expression on his face was priceless. Once again he was nervous and his eyes were filled with lust. I turned around as he slowly unzipped my dress. I turned back arounds facing him eyeing him seductively as I pulled the rubberband out of my hair letting it fall down to my shoulders. I slowly took off my dress teasing him as it fell beneath my feet. Robert placed his hands on my waist pulling me close to him. He gently laid me down on the bed trailing his kisses on my neck. I pulled off his sweater as I trailed my lips down his neck while running my hands up his body. He slowly unbutton his pants letting the fall to his feet. We pulled back more onto the bed not breaking our kiss. I laid there looking up into his eyes as I smiled at him. I felt my panties being taken off as Robert positioned me. Of course I was nervous but, to be honest I can't control my hormones around this man. I mean who wouldn't want to destroy this man in bed. Robert kissed my lips as I slowly felt some pressure as he entered me. I let out a groan in pain as I clawed the bed sheets. I felt him go in and out of me with slow thrust as I began moaning in pleasure. He held me close to him as he kiss my lips. It felt so amazing as we made love. He made me feel like a woman and I became his.

We laid there breathing heavily as held eachother close. Our bodies glisten with sweat for the hours of love making. "I love you, Robert." I said. "I love you, too." "Oh by the way, my parents want us to come over tomorrow for thanksgiving." "What time?" "Around 7pm." "Oh good because I was actually wanting you to come with me to my parents." "Aren't they going to be a little weirded out that you are a dating a student." "I don't know we'll just have to see." "Very funny now you've got me nervous." "Don't be nervous babe. You are a sweet and wonderful person. My parents have no excuse to try and judge." "Whatever you say, I'll try to calm nerves." "Good. I love you, Lori." "I love you." I smiled to myself as I rested my head on his chest. I've never felt so happy in my life.

*This chapter was suppose to be out earlier but my mom keep bugging me. So, will Robert's parents like Lori? Will secrets be revealed? Do you think Henry is up to something? Next chapter soon*

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