First Day

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My alarm when off and I woke up smiling as the sun came in through the window. I got up from the bed and went to pick out my outfit. I decided to wear a blue sun dress and my blue flats. I go to take a shower and come back on getting dressed. I blow dried my hair and curled it. I put on a little bit of make up. I walked over to my book bag and place a few supplies in it. I took Robert's vest and tie in the bag as well. Maybe after school I can give it back to him. I flip the strap over my shoulder as I took my phone placing it into my dress pocket. I stepped out my door closing it as I locked it. I could see other students looking at me as I followed them over to the building.

My first class was Mr. Lowe. I was almost late but, I made it before the bell rang. I stood there as all eyes were on me. Mr. Lowe walks over to me. He didn't look so happy. "Why are you late to my class?" he asked as he folded his arms against his chest. "I'm sorry, I'm new here." I assured at him smiling. "I don't care if you are a new student. This school takes tardiness very seriously." "But, sir I made to the class on time. I promise you it will never happen again." "Are you being smart with me." I gave him a funny look like is he serious. Mr. Lowe walks over to his desk taking out a pink pad. My mouth dropped thinking that pink slip was a detention. "Seriously Mr. Lowe, it's her first day. Chill out." I look to see Henry standing up. Mr. Lowe's head shot up as he glared at Henry. "I suggest you sit down and mind your business young man." said Mr. Lowe. He rips the piece of paper out and hands it to me. "Go to the Principle's office. Now." I stepped out of the room and walked down the hall heading to the Principle's office.

I can't believe I got in trouble for almost being late. I step into the office to see Miss Rowan smiling at me. I handed her the pink slip. Her smile faded as she read it. "Oh, Lori getting in trouble on the first day." she said shaking her head. "I can assure you it's a misunderstanding." I said giving her a half smile. She picks up her phone letting Robert know I was here. She hung up the phone handing me the pink slip back. "He will see you now." I walked over to the door and opened it. I look to see Robert had his glasses on working on a pile of paper work. He looks so cute in his glasses. I stepped over towards him taking a seat in front of him. He looked up at me smiling as he removed his glasses. His eyes were so warm as I gazed into them. I snapped out of my trance and handed him the pink slip. He puts his glasses back on reading the slip. He looks up at me confused as he took his glasses off leaning back in his chair. "Miss James, I'm quite shocked at the fact you are in my office let alone in trouble. Please explain to me what happened." He said with a face of disappointment. I took in a deep breath and let it out. "What happen was I was two seconds away from being late to class. The bell rang the moment I slipped into the classroom. When I told him I wasn't late he thought I was getting being smart with him." I let out a sigh as sat there waiting for Robert to answer. "Look, if being late to class is a big deal then I welcome detention." I said breaking the silence. Robert smiled at me as he sat back up in his seat. "Who said I was going to give detention?" he asked. I looked at him confused as I waited for him to say something. "Tardiness yes it is a big deal here. But, come on you're new here and I feel it was not fair that Mr. Lowe sent you to my office." he continued. "I take it you believe me?" I asked. "You haven't giving me any reason to doubt you." I smiled and began to blush as he gave me his famous sexy smirk. "So, what now?" "Go back to class and give Mr. Lowe this note." He began writing something on a piece of paper and handed it to me. "Thank you, Mr. Downey." I stood up to leave when I rememeber that I had to give back his vest and tie. "Oh, Mr. Downey you left your vest and tie in my cabin." I said handing them to him. "Ah, thank you." he said letting out a chuckle. I felt his fingers on my skin as he kept ahold of my hand. I gazed there into his beautiful eyes for moment as he held my hand. I heard his door opening and I pulled my hand away acting normal. I look to see Miss. Rowan walking in eyeing both of us as if something was up. "Mr. Downey, the superintendent called he said the meeting he scedualed during lunch is canceled." informed Miss. Rowan. "Okay thank you. Anything else?" he replied. "I better get to class bye, Mr. Downey." I said rushing out the door.

I was walking down the hall in hurry. My mind was all hazy as I held my hand close to me. His touch sent chills up my spine. I made it to Mr. Lowe's class. He didn't look so happy to see me back. I handed him the note as he pointed for me to sit down. I looked over to see Henry smiling at me. He mouthed the words 'What happened?' I answered back mouthing 'After class." He nodded his head in agreement and faced foward. I heard Mr. Lowe crumble up the note Robert sent and shot a glare at me. I rested my hand on my head as I thought to myself. I'm on his 'Shit List' now. After class was over Henry and I walked together down the hall. "So, did you get detention?" he asked. "No, Mr. Downey cut me a break. Beside he felt that Mr. Lowe was a little unfair." I answered. "You got that right. I find it strange that Mr. Downey let you off like that. He's never done that before." "Really? He's not that bad once you get to know him." "And you know that from experience?" "Yes, in the short time I've been here he has been nothing but, sweet to me." "That's weird. He's always in his office and grouchy all the time." "I don't believe that." "Wanna bet? You would suspect he'd be out her guideing the halls." I looked around and saw Robert in the hallway greeting students. "It seems like I win." I said. "What do you mean?" I pointed over at Robert and Henry scoffed. "Wow. Must be his first day. That still doesn't mean you win." "Oh really?" He nudged me a little. "Really." I let out a laugh as we slowly walked past Robert. I noticed his facial expression change from a smile to harden as I felt his eyes behind me. I smiled to myself realizing he was getting jealous.

During lunch I sat down with Henry and a couple of other people. "Hi, I'm Cori. You must be the new girl everyones talking about." greeted the girl shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Lori." I smiled as the boy next to her shook my hand as well. "I'm Keith." I smiled at him. I looked to see Robert walking around the cafeteria. I looked over at him smiling. He smiled back as he turned to continue walking around. "Who are you smiling at?" asked Cori. I played it off as if I didn't know what she was talking about. "Did you say something?" "Nevermind." "Hey Lori, after school you want to go hang in the courtyard and help eacother do our homework?" asked Henry. "Sure, I would love that." "Awesome." I smiled at him as I looked into his cute brown eyes. Henry was so hot. "Good afternoon, enjoying your lunches." I looked over to see Robert fake smiling when he asked greeted us. "Gee, Mr. Downey this is the first time I've seen you outside you office. What's the change?" said Henry sarcastically. I noticed Robert's jaw clenched up a little. "Mr. Harrison I think the appropriate way to greet someone is to just say hello back." Henry turned his head away and continued eating. "How are you enjoying you first day so far Miss. James?" continued Robert. "It's going great." "That's wonderful. Well, I better let you guys enjoy your lunches." I watched him walk away and smiled to myself. God he is so sexy when he walks. "I swear Mr. Downey is such an asshole. What makes him think he just start taking interest in our lives?" I shot a look at Henry when he said that. "How can you say that? Cut him a break he's really trying." I snapped. It hurt me to hear Henry disrespecting Robert. "Lori, you don't understand he's just screwing with us. He's showing off and it's discusting." "I don't appreciate you disrespecting him like that. He's a very sweet person and caring." "I'm sorry but I can respect someone who doesn't give it." I stood up from the table and stormed off. I hated the fact that Henry was disrespectful to Robert. I just felt like screaming. I don't know if I can hang out with someone who is rude. My first day here was really confusing. Poor Robert, it broke my heart that his students didn't respect him.

*Do you think Lori will hang out with Henry after she watched him disrespect Robert? Do you guys agree with what Henry says about Robert? Vote and comment letting me know what you think.*

Pure Trouble (Student&Principle Romance Robert Downey jr. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now