Complete Shutdown

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All this frustration with the school definately took it's toll on me. I barely see Lori anymore during the school days. This fake break up is killing me. Gina is always coming to my office for the dumbest things. It doesn't even have to be anything work related she just shows up. I've been busy with the annual trip to France that's coming up tomorrow. I have already selected a few students with Lori being number one on the list. I really needed her friend Shana to go just to keep an eye out. Gina volunteered to Chaprone, along with Mr. Lowe and Mrs. Kudrow. I have no choice but, to pick Henry for this trip. I had picked 4 more students and my list is complete. I made the announcement of the lucky students who get to go to France over the intercome.

Not even before lunch break Gina storms into my office. "You want to explain to me why Lori James is going on the trip?" she shouted at me. "Excuse me, what does that matter to you?!" I said. She then calmed herself down and smiled. "I'm sorry about that. I just thought that girl couldn't go because she had detention last week." Wow, she's making this too easy. "No, academic achieveing students go." "You're right, I apologize." She walks over to my desk and stands next to me. Her brown eyes were locked to mine as she ran her hands through her long brown hair. I knew that move from anywhere. She's flirting with me. "Robert, I've been meaning to ask you something. It's been like a week since your break up. I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house for dinner." I swear Gina is trying way to hard and it was pissing me off. "I'm sorry Gina I just can't. I'm still trying to get over this break up. She meant the world to me and when she broke my heart. I just can't stop thinking about her." I sat there playing the part of being upset and depressed. I can tell she was getting irritated and I decided to step it up a notch. "I was going to ask her to marry me but, that ship sailed. I'm just not ready to start dating again." Gina got up from the table and began balling up her fists. I laughed to myself as I knew I pinched a nerve. "Okay, maybe during the trip to France we can hang out." she said smiling at me. "Maybe." I replied. "I better get going. You have a good night." She walked out of the door and I leaned back in my chair grinning to myself. Damn, I'm good.

~Lori's POV~

I was sitting at the lunch table talking with Shana about the trip to France. "I still can't believe I was chosen to go!" said Shana full of excitement. "I'm so happy. I just hate the fact Henry is going and Gina." I mentioned letting out a sigh. "That slut face hoe bag better stay aways from Principle Hottie. If you want I can keep a look out so you and Robert can have your alooone time." "Shut up! Maybe that could be the reason why he picked you to go." "Even if he doesn't ask me too. I will do it anyway." "By the way, I'm gonna need a ride today into the city so we can shop for what we need." "Sure,it can be our girls day out." "Awesome." I looked over to see Henry walking toward us. He sits right next to me wrapping his arm around me. He kissed my cheek as look over at Shana who turned away discusted. "Hey babe, you ready for France." said Henry. "Yeah, I'm thrilled." I said half heartedly. "I have a wonderful night planned for just you and me. Paris is the city of love." Shana rolled her eyes and I notced Henry glare at her. "I still don't get how you're still going. You have a D in Chemistry." "Why don't you go jump off a cliff you prick?" snapped Shana tossing a french fry at Henry. He rolled his eyes at her and smiled at me. We have been dating for a week and I'm at the verge of cutting off his arm that's around me. The bell rang and everyone headed out of the cafeteria.

Henry held on to my hand as we walked down the hallway. I see Robert in the hallway talking with Mr. Lowe. I notice Henry wrap his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. I could see Robert's face harden as we walked by. Henry then crashed his lips onto mine as we stood at my locker. I peaked over at Robert as his face was full of rage and turned away to look back at Mr. Lowe. I pushed Henry away and looked at him. He was doing this on purpose I just know it. "Hey, the teachers are right there." I snapped. "I don't care." said Henry smiling at me. "I do, so don't ever do that again." "Alright, chill." I place my things into my locker and walked away.

Calculus class was going by slowly. I hated Gina so much. The bell finally rang and I quickly gathered my things to leave. I heard the door close as Gina stood there glaring at me. What now?! "You and I need to talk." she said walking towards me. "About what?" I asked annoyed. "I need you to skip the trip to France." Is she fucking insane?! "WHAT?! Henry and I have plans for the first night we are there!" "I don't care you're a distraction. Now, if you don't want your precious Robert in jail I suggest you fucking stay put." I let out a groan and nodded my head in agreement. "Good, we have an understanding. Don't be surpise if over this weekend Robert and I aren't back together. See you in four days." I rolled my eyes at her as she walked out.

**The next chapter is going to have two twists. You're going to love it. Vote and Comment please. I'll give you guys one hint: Revenge is such a bitch.**

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