Birth Suprise

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*5 Months Later*

I had been so busy with college that I missed my ultrasound that would tell us what the sex of the baby would be. Robert held my hand as the lady ran the device over my belly. "Okay, here we go. Ah, you're having a girl." My mouth dropped with excitement as I looked over at Robert who was smiling. "Oh wait a minute there something showing up here." I shot a look at the lady and asked, "What is it?!" "There's another baby. He's a boy." "Another baby?! I'm having twins?!" "Yes, ma'am." Robert kissed my forhead and let out a shout of joy. "Congradulations to you both." "Thank you. Twins baby!"

Robert had bought a house in Massachussett. He enjoyed his job as a teacher and I was working hard in college. Going to school and being pregnant wasn't an issue for me. Shana dropped by to visit at the house. "I love you're house. I still can't believe you are having twins." she said. "I know! I'm so happy. No drama. No more hiding. Just me and my wonderful husband starting our family." "I'm so happy for you. You know Taylor proposed to me last week. Plus, I'm pregnant too." "What?! Congradulations." "Hey, you're my maid of honor by the way." "Aww, I'm going to to cry." Shana gave me a tight embrace. "I'm so glad you're my friend. More like a sister to me. I love you girl." "I love you too sis." We let out a laugh and continued watching some tv.

*2 1/2 months later*

I was sitting in class when I felt a sharp pain coming from my stomach. My professor came running over to check on me. "Lori are you okay?" he asked holding my hand. I suddenly hear a splash hit the floor. "Someone call the 911!" The ambulence finally came took me to the hospital. I had the paramedic call Robert. He said he was on his way. I laid there in the delivery room in pain. The doctor comes in and checks me. Robert finally arrives bursting through the door. He stood next to me holding my hand. "I'm here baby." he said. "Just in time. Okay, ma'am its time to push. Ready...and...push!" said the doctor. I started pushing and cried out in pain. I hear the cries of the baby echo in the room. "It's a girl." I began crying as I watch Robert cut the cord. She was beautiful. "Alright, other baby is coming. Ready...and...push!" I pushed again which didn't hurt that much. Cries fill the room again when she held up our son. Robert's face was filled with emotions as he kept wiping away the tears. He cut the cord once more and leaned down to me. He pressed his lips against mine. "You did a good job baby. I'm so proud of you."

I finally woke up from my nap. After giving birth I was tired. I look to see Robert standing by the babies cribs. He looks up at me and smiles. "Lori, you have got to see them. They are absolutely perfect." He gently picks up our daughter and places her in my arms. He goes back to get our son and sits right next to me. "What are we going to name them?" I asked. "Well, my boy over here is Nathaniel John Downey." "That was fast. I'm thinking of Jennifer Ann for our princess here." "Perfect." "I love you, Robert." "And I love you, Lori." He placed a soft kiss on my lips. I was so happy our twins are finally here.

Over the next three years my parents took care of the twins. Robert and I visited as much as possible.  I finally graduated from college with ease and earned a job at a firm in Massachusett. Jennifer and Nathaniel were now able to come live with us for good. I had flexible hours to where I could spend time with them. All the drama from the past just disappeared. I can finally be with the man I love with out having to hide. Our family was complete and I was greatful. Who would have thought my principle was now my husband and the father of my children. All of it was worth it. I can now say I'm grateful to have met him. He completes me and I complete him.

                                   THE END

**I hope you guys enjoyed the story. I really had fun writting it. I hope u guys continue to read my other stories. Give them just as much love as this one. Tell me what you think? I though a curve by you guys. TWINS! Thanks to @AmarisAyala (I hope i spelled it right) it was her idea to bring out twins. Genius. Vote and Comment please. Love You guys!**

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