Principal Downey..OMG!

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It's was 9:15 A.M and we were driving to The Academy of West Colombia. My stomach was turning I have never been so nervous in my life. Is the principle even nice? Is he super strict? So many questions ran through my head as I sat there looking out the window. "We're here." said my mom with excitement in her voice. I looked to see a huge building in the distance. They had everything that a normal University would have. Only the dorms looked like cabins spaced out between eachother and in rows. I seen a tennis court, basketball court, football field, and track field. A courtyard near the school where I saw teens laughing, reading, or doing their homework.

My dad parked the car and we got out. We slowly walked up to the building and my stomach was turning even more. The lady at the front desk whos name was Miss. Rowan. She was a tall slim woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes. In my opinion she was pretty and nice. She lead us over to the principle's office and led us inside. My heart was racing but, it died down when I saw that he wasn't in his office. "Principle Downey will be here in just a few minutes. He's in a meeting at the moment just stay put and I will let him know you're here when he gets done." said Miss. Rowan as she walked out of the room. "So, how are you feeling?" asked my mom. "Nervous." I said. "Oh, you'll be okay. Just stay calm I'm sure the principle will love you." I slowly calmed down and relaxed. If I kept stressing I would grow a grey hair in a second. "Do you like how the school looks so far?" asked my dad. "It's nice. I get my own dorm that's a plus." I said smiling to myself. "This school is filled with lots of activites and organization you can join. I know you will be a great addition to the school." I smiled at my dad as I sat there.

We waited for ten minutes and we heard a man talking with someone. I looked to see my parents stand up and turn around. "Good morning. Sorry I'm late had a meeting with the board. You must be the James Family. I'm Robert Downey jr, principle of The Academy of West Colombia." said the man shaking my parents hands. I was too nervous to stand up and face him. "Not a problem at all. My name is Charles and this is my wife Joyce." greeted my dad. He looked at me to motion me up. I stood up and looked up at Principle Downey.

Son of Bitch this guy is a Principle! Behind his brown retangular glasses he had big brown eyes, perfect jawline with a little scruff, nice ruffled short hair brushed back and big gorgeous lips. I was practically drooling over him. He was one hot Principle and he looked young. I looked to see him staring at me with those gorgeous eyes. He smiled at me and I returned the favor. "This is our lovely daughter Lorina. But, for short we call her Lori." continued my dad. Principle Downey reached his hand out to me and placed my hand into his. It was so soft to the touch and I began to blush as I shook his hand. "It's pleasure to meet you, Lori." said Principle Downey in a dark and husky voice which gave me chills down my spine. "Likewise." I said shakingly. "I must say Mr. James you have a very beautiful young lady here. She looks as though she has great potential which is what I look for when new students come to this Academy." He said winking at me as he slowly walked over to his desk. My face turned completey red as I took a seat in the chair. "Why thank you, Sir." said my dad smiling at me. "I've read her file. Honors student, active member of numerous of clubs and organization, and tons of hours in community services. Do you ever take a break?" I smiled at him. "I like helping people and making a difference in order to better our community." I said. I could see a smile on his face which was the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. "I like what I'm hearing. You definately have what it takes to be here. Now, you have my yes to be here. Yet, I want to know if you want to be." I sat there for a moment acting like I had something to think about which I didn't. Meeting Principle Downey gave me the push to give an more immidate yes. I let out a fake sigh and answered, "Yes, I want to be here." "Alright then, let me give you the personal tour of the place while your parents fill out the paperwork. We all stood up shaking Principle Downey's hand as we stepped out of his office. "Lacy could you give this lovely couple the paper work for enrollment and finalization. I'm going to take this young lady the tour of the school I will be back in like half and hour." said Principle Downey. He turned to my parents once again smiling. "Once again thank you for choosing West Colombia you won't be disappointed. I shall return with your daughter shortly." "Take you're time. See you in a little bit sweety." said my mom as she kissed my forhead. I looked over to see Principle Downey holding out his arm. "Shall we?" he asked. I smiled and tooks his arm as we walked out the door.

Principle Downey lead me through the many halls. I couldn't help but, gaze over at him. During the tour, he talked about the many activities they had and their annual trip they make to France. Only Principle's choice could go if you had good grades. I hope I get to go because he says he goes every year. We were reaching the end of the tour and he led me to the courtyard to have a seat on the bench. Thank God, cause me feet were killing me in these heels. "So, what do you think of the school now?" he asked. "It's great." I answered smiling. For some reason I ended up blurting out a really embarrassing question. "Principle Downey, how old are you?" I asked then face palmed myself. Principle Downey started laughing. "Well, that's a first. I'm actually 32." he answered. My jaw dropped as I looked at him. "What?! No way!" "Yes, I'm 32." "You don't look 32. You like your in you late 20's." "Thank you. By the way you don't have call me Principle Downey. Just call me Mr.Downey. But, since we're here on a personal level call me Robert." I smiled at him and turned away. "I'm really looking foward to you being in this school. You have potential I would like to see great things from you." Robert placed his hand on my shoulder. "I promise not to disappoint." I said giving him a smile.

Robert and I headed back to the office. We said our final goodbyes. My parents and I walked over to our car as we drove home. I looked back at the school and smiled. I sat there thinking about Robert, my principle. He was so amazing sweet, funny, and smart. Not to mention the hottest Principle ever. I had a feeling I was really going to enjoy this new school.

*Robert's POV*

I went to sit back down at my desk as I picked up Lorina James file. I was schimming through the pages. I removed her photo from behind the paper clip. I smiled to myself as looked at the picture. Lori was so beautiful. It was hard for me to believe she was only 17. I looked to see when her birthday was. November 13th well not long before she's 18. Man, I feel like a idiot falling for some teenager. Lori seemed different then most teenage girls. She's mature, smart, and had a cute personality. I'm glad she's joining the school so that everyday I can see her. What the hell am I thinking? I'm Principle I could lose my job. Plus, I'm way to old for her. Maybe I should test the limits and see what happens. I placed her picture back in the file and closed it. Lori James. I have a feeling she and I are going to be really great friends.

*Looks like Lori really likes the idea of being in her new school. What do you think will happen on her first day? Let me know what you guys think. Vote and Comment please.*

Pure Trouble (Student&Principle Romance Robert Downey jr. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now