Sunday Funday

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I sleeping peaceful when I felt a warm deep voice in my ear. "Wake Lori." I opened my eyes to see Robert's smiling face next to me. I smiled up at him and let out a big yawn. "Good Morning, beautiful. Sleep well." he asked. "Yes." I said. "How's your leg feeling?" "Sore but, I'll be alright." "That's good news. I brought breakfast." He showed me the bag of McDonald's swinging it from side to side. I smiled at him and try to sit up. Robert puts the bag down and helps me sit up in the bed. He pushed the button to raise the back part of the bed up. Robert rolled the bed table over in front of me and starts pulling out the food. "I wasn't sure what to get you so I just got us the deluxe breakfast." he said smiling at me. "Its okay, I'm not a picking eater." I replied.

We ate our breakfast in silence as we watched a little tv. My phone rang and I answered it. "Lori, how are you? Mr. Downey taking good care of you." asked my dad. "Yes, he is." I answered smiling over at Robert who gave me a wink in return. "That's good to hear honey. Tell him I said thanks again for keeping an eye out for you. Love you honey see you soon." "Love you too dad have a safe trip." I hung up my phone and looked Robert. "My dad said thank you for keeping an eye out on me." "Oh, I'm glad he trust me to take care of you." "Me too." The doctor walked in the room and over to my bed. "How are we feeling today Miss James?" he asked smiling. "I'm doing good. Leg is a little sore but, I can handle it." I said. "It's seems like everything is back to normal so I'll get your release papers signed. I will also prescribe you some pain medication just in case. A nurse will be here in a few minutes." The doctor walked back out closing the door behind him. Robert smiled at me as he leaned over to kiss my cheek. "This is great news. Do you want me to go get you some clothes? I'm pretty sure you don't want to wear those bloody clothes." He asked. "I guess if you don't mind. I'll pay back when I get the chance." I said. "Don't worry about it, you're my girlfriend. I would do anything for you." I blushed giving him a peck on the lips. Robert leaves the room as I go to watch some tv until he got back. The nurse walks in and hands me the papers to sign for my release. She leaves the room and I placed the papers on the table. Robert comes back with two bags of clothes. He helped me up so I can put my pants on. I put my good leg in first and Robert helped me put my bad leg in the other. He was so respectful as he helped me get dressed. Of course he had to turn around when I put my shirt on. He brought in a wheelchair and put me on it. We rolled down the hall and over to his car. He picked me up and gently set me into the car. He walks over to the otherside and jumps in. I leaned over the seat and crashed my lips on to his. He ran his fingers through my hair. He pulled away smiling at me. "What was that for?" he asked smirking at me. I love when he give me a sexy smirk. "For being such a wonderful boyfriend." He let out chuckle and started the car.

I notice Robert taking me into the city and parks in front of the movie theater. "Want to watch a movie?" he asked. "Yeah." I replied. He gets out of the car and opens up the trunk. I noticed he pulled out a wheel chair. He opens my door and carries me out of the car gently sit me in the chair. "Did you steal the wheelchair?" I exclaimed. "No, I bought it earlier when I got your clothes." I mouthed the word "o" as he rolled me inside. He bought the tickets, popcorn, and a drink. He picked me up and sat me down on the chair. He takes the wheelchair and puts it in front of me. Robert careful props my legs on to the chair. He sit down next to me and wraps his arm around me. I leaned over next to him and rested my head against his chest. "What movie are we watching?" I asked. "You'll see." We watched the preview go by for almost 6 minutes. Boooring. I looked up to see the movie title read "Gone with the Wind". "I love this movie." I whispered into his ear and a smile grew on his face.

Once the movie was over Robert drove back to the school. He carried me inside my cabin and into my room. He laid me on my bed as he walked over to the otherside and plops down next to me. He wraps his arms around me in a tight embrace. "How are you feeling?" asked Robert. "Good, I had fun today." I answered smiling to myself. He kissed my forehead and looked up at him. "So, are you going to hire a new secretary?" "Why? I already have one." "Who?" "My sister." "You have a sister?" "Yes, my younger sister Helen accepted to be my secretary." "Nice. Can't wait to meet her." "You'll love her." "Awesome. Well I'm going to sleep." "Okay, sweety." I smiled at him and closed my eyes. God I had so much fun today. Even though my stupid leg was messed up Robert still managed to keep me happy. I'm one lucky...lucky girl.

*Okay sorry for the late update just think its friday...PAYDAY! Do you think Robert's sister will like Lori? Do you think Helen might already know that Lori and Robert being together? If she did would she approve? Next chapter tomorrow.*

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