Oh Shana!

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I was texting Robert when Shana bursted through the door. She was hovered over breathing heavily. She was trying to tell me something by waving her arms. But, she was still breathing like she didn't know how. "What the hell did you do?" I asked. "I-I, damn I need to get back in shape." replied Shana sitting down on the bed. "Okay, I was getting our sodas from the machine. I heard Gina talking in the hallway. I go to ease drop and I see Henry in the hallway with her. They were talking about how they can't be away from eachother. Then Gina asks Henry to make sure you fell in love with him over the weekend and she would ensure that Robert stayed away. Next thing I know they both were kissing eachother. Thanks to my quick thinking I snap a picture of them." she continued then shows me the picture on her phone. My blood was boiling from rage. I knew Gina was bad but, I never suspected Henry would betrayed me. "I can't believe this! Those assholes! Their not going to get away with this!" I shouted. "Are you going to tell Robert?" "I have to. Oh my God, you know what this means? Robert and I can be together in France without any worry. Shana I love you." "I'm just being a loyal friend." I gave her a tight embrace. "On one condition, if Robert is shirtless allow me that grand opportunity to touch his body. If i can get some butt action thrown this way I'm good." I smacked playfully on her shoulder. "Your insane! I'll think about it." We shared a laugh and I texted Robert to have him come over.

There was a knock at the door and Shana went to open it. "Miss Wells, may I come in." said Robert. Shana was still standing at the door stiff as can be. I look to see Robert standing there in a nice white button down dress shirt with black slacks that hugged him perfectly in important areas. His hair was nicely spiked up and clean shaven. Now, I see why Shana hasn't moved. Suddenly, Shana fainted backwards and I managed to catch her. But, I fell backwards onto the floor. Robert quickly came in and closed the door. I couldn't help but, laugh. Robert picks Shana up and carried her over to the bed laying her down gently. "Go wet a towel with warm water." said Robert. I go into the bathroom and wet the towel. I hand it to him as he placed it on her forehead. Shana slowly opened her eyes and looked over at Robert. "You alright?" he asked smiling at her. "I'm fine." answered Shana. "Why did you pass out?" I asked. She pointed at Robert who busted out laughing. "Look at him and what he's wearing. It should be illegal to be that damn sexy. Mr. Downey you're killing me and you are not even my boyfriend. I don't if I should slap you or rape you." Robert and I was dying with laughter. "For christ sakes even to his laugh is hot." added Shana. "You are too much, Miss Wells." said Robert.

After the laugh fest we go to the serious issue. Robert's reaction to the entire story was crazy. He definately was happy that Shana took a picture. "We now have a payback strategy. Now, if we want this to work Shana we need you to get those copies of those text messages." said Robert. "I can do that. I do have a suggestion to make though." replied Shana. "What's that?" "Taking those text messages and changing the contact names to theirs." "Genius, that will work. That way we have more proof. In the mean time right now is to enjoy this weekend." "What do since we are here in Paris?" I asked. "We usually take the students out in the city. Shop and visit historical sites. Which we are going to do in about an hour so dress comfortable." "Awesome." "See you guys down in the lobby. By the way, Shana I'm going to need to talk to you later when we get back." Shana nodded her head. "Lori, later tonight be ready. I have something very special in store for you." Robert smiled and pecked my lips. He gets up and leaves the room.

Shana plopped down on the bed with me grinning at me. "Ooo, special we know what that means." she said wiggling her eyesbrows at me. "Shut up!" I snapped smacking her arm. "I still wonder what he wants to talk to me about?" "I know me too." "Oh well, lets go get ready because I'm dying to go explore Paris." I smiled at her as I joined her to get ready. I honestly couldn't wait until tonight. Only I dreaded being around Henry and Gina. I'm going to get him back by being distant. Also, cancel whatever he had planned by acting sick.

**Sorry so short but next chapter is worth it. I'm out of town right now and staying in a hotel so expect quite a few updates for today and tomorrow on this one and on "Save Me." So, what do guys think will happen? What do you guys think of Shana? Crazy isn't she but loyal. Next update soon. By the way I'm loving everyones comments. I'm definately proud of this story. I really appreciate your ideas and opinions. It's what makes this story really special. Love you guys!!**

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