Fool Proof

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I went into Robert's office after I had calmed myself down. I need to tell him about what happened with Gina. Maybe he would understand or think of something to do. He looked up at me smiling at first but, faded when he noticed I was upset. "Lori, what happen?" He asked as he leaned against his desk in front of me. "It's about Gina. She knows about us." I answered trying to fight back the tears. I noticed Robert's hands ball up into a fist as his jaw clentched up. "How did she find out?" "She snooped through my phone." "The nerve of that bitch. She has no right doing that." "She's black mailing me into breaking up with you and going out with Henry. She even took copies of the text messages." The room stayed silent as we sat there thinking I guess. I hear Robert's fingers snap which made me jump as I looked at him. "How about we fake a break up?" he said. I never thought of that to be honest. It was fucking genius. "I can try and arrange a way we can see eachother. Pretty much fool her into thinking we broke up. We have to play the part to in acting depressed and shit like that. What do you think?" "It's brillant!" I exclaimed. I stood up and hugged him. He pulled away and held onto my waist. "See I always have a plan. We just have to deal with this until your graduation and from there we can finally be together for good." "That is why I love you so much." Robert smiled at me as he pressed his lips against mine. I'm glad I don't have to worry about losing him. Now, I can live at ease and fool Gina. She's not gonna know what hit her.

I quickly left to the library to meet up with Henry. I finally got to read his text. He said he can wait. I slowly walked into the library and found Henry sitting at the table. I plopped down next to him smiling. He looked up at me and laughed softly. "Someone is excited." he said. "I'm just having a good day. You ready to be learn?" I replied. "More than anything." I smiled and began tutoring. During that time, Henry had not taken his eyes off me. Of course it annoyed me but, I had to play along. Once we were finished Henry walked me to my cabin. "Thanks for the tutoring me today. You're a better teacher." he said. I giggled and smiled up at him. "No problem." I replied. "Hey, Lori. I don't mean to be too foward or anything but, do you wanna go out for pizza tomorrow?" "Yeah." "Really? I figured you would say no about it." "Things change." He smiled at me and nodded his head. "Cool see you tomorrow then." I smiled and went inside. Faking this is going to be too easy. It's for the best though.

~Robert's POV~

I was just about to leave my office when I see Gina walking in. I glared at her as she walked over to my desk. Why can't she just disappear from my life? "What do you need Gina? I'm extremely busy." I snapped shoving folders into my file cabinet. "Something wrong?" she asked. "Nope. Just going through something right now." "Come on, Robert. You can talk to me." She was leaning up against me holding my tie in her hands. I avoided eye contact with her as she pulled me closer to her. Now its time to play the game. "My girlfriend broke up with me. She told me that she liked someone else." I said. "Oh, poor thing. I'm sorry to hear that. Allow me to make you feel better." "No, I just need time to heal right now." "Alright then." "See you around." I took my suitcase and headed out the door. I had the biggest smile on my face as I walked down the hall. Oh she is going to rue the day she messed with my girl. I can fake this out nicely. Gina get ready you want to play games so can I.

**Okay I was going a different direction with the story but @keelciee had suggested a genius idea i dedicate this chapter to you. So, what do you think will happen? I'm bringing a big twist in the story soon. Vote and Comment please**

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