Daddy's Little Girl

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I walked into the house following my dad into his study. He sat down on his desk holding a picture of me when I was six years old. Tears ran down his face as his finger trailed down face of the picture. "I remember when you were born. The first person you ever smiled at was me. Even though your mother told me it was just gas, I just knew in my heart that I was that one special person you looked up to. When you were six years old I would walk by your room. I could see your stuffed animals lined up in rows and you would pretend that Mr. Snorky was on trial for stealing all the jellybeans in Mrs. Peggy's store. You played such a good lawyer." I let out a laugh and he joined me. "Honey, I'm not mad that you are going to be a mother. I'm upset that you got pregnant while you are about to start college. How are you going to care for the child during college? Robert will be working everyday." He continued. I hate to say it but, he's right. "I understand. How about you and mom care for the baby? We would come and visit every other day. On my vacations Robert and I would take the baby." He sat there for a moment thinking. "I know you and mom have been wanting another baby. How about you guys take this opportunity to raise your grandchild?" He smiled at me taking my hand into his. "Sounds good to me. I would love to take care of my grandchild." I ran over to him giving him a tight embrace. "I love you, daddy." I said. "I love you, too." "Let's get back to the party."

My dad and I walked out smiling. Robert comes walking up to us smiling. "Charles, I'm really sorry." he said. My dad gave Robert and embrace. This is a first to me. "Not a problem. Lori agreed to let us keep our grandchild until she finishes college." said my dad. "Really? Sounds good to me. I'll make sure we come everyday if possible." "On our vacations we get to take him with us." I assured. "Babe, this is a great idea." He kissed my forhead and smiled at me. "Welcome to the family, Robert." said my dad patting Robert on the shoulder. We continued the party and everything went back to normal. Even though I won't be with my baby everyday. I know my parents will do a great job raising them until my four years of school are up. To make things better Robert was actually supportive of the idea which made me feel good.

*One week later*

Robert and I went to my first doctors appointment to see how far long was I. The doctor told us that I was four weeks and that he schedualed a first ultrasound appointment. We went to it and I laid there as Robert held my hand. The lady places the cold gel against my stomach moving the device around. I suddenly heard a heart beat coming from the machine. I looked over Robert who was smiling at me. "Is that the baby?" I asked. "Yes, it is. First baby?" said the nurse. "Yeah." "It's a beautiful experience being pregnant. You want to see the baby." I nodded my head yes as she turned the screen. "Here's the head, right here is the body. He's not fully develope yet, but on your next ultrasound you will know the gender." I smiled over at Robert as he kissed my hand. "What are you two hoping for?" she asked. "Boy\Girl" we said at the same time. He wanted a boy and I wanted a girl. We let out a laugh together with the nurse. "To be honest I don't care. I'm really looking foward to being a dad." said Robert.

We were cuddled up in bed watching a movie. "Baby, when do you want to get married?" asked Robert. I looked over at him smiling. "It's up to you, really." I replied. "Well, I was thinking before you start college." "That would be nice." "How about this summer break we go to Hawaii?" "Oh my God, yes." "Invite everyone we know. Like my parents, your parents, Helen, and Shana. Anymore family?" "Not really, I just want our closest family together." "Good, then its settled. We are going to Hawaii." I pressed my lips against his. "I love you." I whispered. "And I love you, Mrs. Downey." I busted out laughing. "You're so silly." I said.

**Sorry for the late update you guys I've been sick this past weekend. I'm feeling better now. Thanks for being patient. Btw the sequel to "Salvation" will be out tomorrow or Wendsday. It's called "Serenity". Okay, I'm leaving it up to you guys to choose the gender of Lori and Robert's baby! So vote and Comment please. Next update soon!**

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