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I have been busy dealing with the awards ceremony for the seniors and the worst is Graduation. I haven't been able to see Lori much but, she understands. Which of course she's been busy herself taking her SAT's. She's a smart girl she'll pass it. All these award kept coming in and it was driving me crazy.

The thing I dread the most is being away from Lori when she goes off to college. She wants to go to Harvard in Massachusetts. I can't stop her because I promised her dad she'd stay focus on school. I don't know I have all summer to figure that out. Lori's mom called and told me she was planning a suprise Graduation party for Lori. She want me to come and I accepted.

Helen came into my office with a stack of papers. "Sorry they just keep coming in." she said with a chuckle. "It's my job just set them right there." I said. "You need any help?" "Could you please? I think my hairs going to fall out with all this shit." "Hey it's only a few more days and schools out." "It's not getting here any faster." "I know. This school here has been a mess. So, any plans for the summer?" "Well, I'm thinking about moving to Massachusetts." "Why?" "For Lori, she's has her heart set out for Harvard." "What about your job?" "I'm thinking about teaching again." "That would be great! Bobbie, I'm so proud of you. Ever since you and Lori been together you've came back to your old self. I wish you nothing but, the best." "Thanks, I love her to death." "Are you planning to put a ring on her?" I let out a laugh. "Okay Beyoncè. I already did." "WHAT?! And you didn't fucking tell me." "I was going to tell everybody at Lori's graduation party. By the way you have to be there. Be sure to tell mom and dad come as well." "I sure will. Oh my God, I'm so excited."


I was at my parents for senior skip day. I have been waiting for a letter in the mail to come. Hopefully it comes today. I was sitting in my room when I got a knock on the door. She walks in holding a big white envelope. "It's here!" she said all excited. I took it from her and frantically opened it. I pulled out the letter and read it. My heart felt like it was going to jump out my chest. "What does it say?!" A tear came out of my eye as I smiled at her. "I've been accepted!" We both screamed for joy and hugged eachother. "Oh honey, I'm so proud of you. Another lawyer in the family." "Mom, do you think you're gonna plan on having another baby?" Her face fell sad as she looked away from me. "Sweety, your father and I have been trying. I went to the doctor to see what was wrong and he told us that..." she paused for a moment and began crying. "He said I could never get pregnant again." I wrapped my arms around her as she weeped against my shoulder. "I'm so sorry mom. I shouldn't have asked that." I said. "No, it's fine. You need to know anyway. I'm so lucky to have you as my daughter. Besides maybe I'll get that wonderful mother experience again when you one day grace us with a grandchild." I gave her a half smile. "Yeah, maybe." "Wait, are you pregnant?!" "I don't know." "When was your last menstral?" "Uh, a month ago. I was suppose to start like last week but, maybe it's just late." "Honey, don't you think you should take a pregnancy test?" "Should I?" "Come with me." She led me into her bathroom and pulled out a box. She handed me a cup and told me to pee in it. She put some of my urine and placed it in the tube thing. "Now, we wait." she said. We sat in the bathroom for a few minutes and she took the stick in her hand without looking. I was so nervous. I can't get pregnant now. Not that I don't want to have kids with Robert it's just too soon. If I am what will he say? My mom's expression scared me as she read the results on the stick. "What does it say?" I asked annoyed. "You're pregnant." she whispered. "WHAT?!" Her face was full of joy. So was I but, I'm freaking out inside. "I'm going to be a grandma!" Oh my God! What will my dad say? Or Robert?

It was time for the Awards Ceremony and everyone was in there green cap and gown. I was so bored as they announced the people who got scholarships. I then hear my name being called I had recieved a hundred-thousand dollar scholarship. I was so excited as I walked up to the stage. I took a picture with Mr. Cole. I could see Robert smiling at me as I sat back down in my seat. It was almost over and Mr. Cole took over the podium. "Ladies and Gentleman we have come to the end where one student recieves the highest award. This an award for the student who has achieved the most out of the entire school. This student has shown great skills academically and active memeber of the schools leading club. Today she recieve the award of Superintendent Choice for Best all around Student Acheivement goes to..." he pauses as he opens the envelope. "Lorina James." Every stood up and cheered as I walked up to the stage. Mr. Cole handed me the plaque as we stood to take pictures. "Congradulations, Miss James." said Mr. Cole. "Thank you so much."

After the awards ceremony my parents invited us all to dinner at Luigi's Cafè. Me along with Robert, Helen, and Shana. I couldn't help but, laugh at Robert as he scarfed down his pasta which was a big ass serving. "I'm so proud of you, Lori. If you need any help on being a good lawyer my door is always open." said my dad. Everyone at the table laughed as I smiled back at him. "I sure will." I replied giggling. After dinner Robert dropped me off at my cabin. He stayed the night and talked about random things. I still haven't told him about my pregnancy. Maybe I can wait until tomorrow after graduation. I'm still scared of what he might say. School is almost over and things are about to change.

It was Graduation Day and I was getting ready. I looked at myself in the mirror. Today could have not come any faster. I heard a loud knock on my door and I quickly ran up to answer it. "Who's ready to party?!" yelled Shana. I busted out laughing as I walked out the door. "Graduation is finally here! THANK GOD!" I busted out laughing. She wrapped her arm around me as we walked out to the soccer field where they held the ceremony. Everyone took their seats as the ceremony began. We all accepted our diplomas and listened to the valevictorian make her speech. Don't ask me what her name was because I zoned out. We threw our caps in the air cheering.

I took pictures with my parents, Robert, Helen, and Shana. Even Mr. Lowe took a picture with me. "Miss James I'm going to miss you. Here's a little graduation gift from me." He handed me the small box with a bow. I opened it as it exposed a little gold heart necklace. "Ah, Mr. Lowe you shouldn't have. Thank you." I gave him a hug. "You come visit me sometime you hear." "I promise." I walked over back with my parents. I rode with Robert to my house and Shana joined us on the ride.

Robert blind folded me. I followed wherever he was taking me. He took the blind fold off and I seen everyone smiling yelling out "Suprise". My dad was cooking up a storm on his grill. We talked and ate dinner. Robert then calls everyones attention and stands next to me. "I have an announcement to make. We would have told you sooner but, I just want to let everyone know that Lori and I are engaged." Everyone cheered as we hugged everyone. "I too have an announcement to make." I said. My nerves were kicking in as they all looked at me. "It's quite unexpected but, Robert." I took his hand into mine and placed it on my stomach. "I'm pregnant." Everyone except my dad were happy to hear the news. "How in the hell did this happen?" shouted my dad. "Dad please don't get mad. It was accident." "No! Do you have any idea how this is going to affect your life? What about college?" "Mr. James, I'm sorry about this. But, I swear to you that I will be by her side making sure she finishes college." said Robert. My dad was on the verge of hitting Robert but, he let his fist fall. He stormed off into the house.

**Sorry to leave you hanging but, my nephew is sick and I gotta take care of him while my sister is at work. Will Lori's dad finally come around about the whole pregnancy? Vote and Comment please. Next update soon.**

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