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I was sitting at the dinner table with my parents as we ate. I sat there quietly think to myself about last night. I'm so confused about everything is going on and how Miss Rowan was acting. She seemed to be jealous of the fact that Robert took an interest in me. I mean she works for him. She's with him all the time why hasn't she try to be with him. Being with Robert was definately going to be a big challenge. We only have one person who is slowly catching on.

"Something on your mind, Lori?" asked my mom. I popped my head up to look at her. "No, I'm just thinking is all." I replied. "About what sweety?" "It's nothing important." "Alright then. So how is it going at school?" "It's great." "Anything exciting we should know about?" "No." I sat there playing my food with the fork. "I called your principle the other day asking how everything was going with you." said my dad. "What did he say?" I asked. "He told me you were doing great. He even told me you that the two of you became really good friends." I raised my eyebrow and smiled to myself. "Yeah, most kids there don't respect him. He's really nice." "That's ashame. I'm sure they're missing out on a really great individual." "Yeah, they are."

After dinner with my parents we drove back to the school. We arrived to my cabin I got and walked on to the porch. I waved to my parents goodbye as they drove off. I walked inside and went straight to my room. I plopped down on the bed and closed my eyes for a minute. Damnit, I need to do my homework now so I can have all sunday for myself. I opened my eyes and saw someone hovered over me. I screamed and out of retaliation I swung my arm up to smack them in the face. I sat up in my bed to then realize it was Robert. "You know if this is how you say hello I'm out." he said rubbing his cheek. "You scared the crap out of me. How did you get in here." I snapped. He walked over to my side of the bed and stood in front of me. He leaned over close to me causing me to lean back onto the bed. He hovered over me as our noses were almost touching. A smirk grew on his face as he stared into my eyes. "I'm a principle I have my ways." His voice so deep and seductive my face grew hot. "Breaking and entering is bad Mr. Downey." "What are you going to do?" "I may have to call campus security." "You wouldn't." Robert crashed his lips onto mine. I fell into his kiss as I ran my fingers through his hair. I broke away slowly pushing him off me. "Let's keep our hands to ourselves shall we." I said. He pouted at me as I walked past him. "What brings you here at the hour?" I asked walking into the kitchen. I pulled out two cokes and went into the livingroom. "You had homework, I wanted to come over and help you with it." I grinned at him handing the coke to him. We sat down on the couch as we drank our cokes. I reached over to my book bag and pulled my supplies. Robert took one of my homework pages and was scamming through it. "Lori, You take AP Calculus? Smart girl." he said smiling. "I figured everyone would be taking it. Only 18 kids out of the whole school. That's sad." I said laughing. "I wish these kids here were just as motivated as you. I mean its a college credit well needed." "Yeah." "So, have you found a club you want to join." "I don't know, not many students like me." "What? I figured you would make friends already. You sweet, funny, not to metion really beautiful." I blushed and kept working on my homework. "No one wants to be friends with a goodie two-shoes." I scoffed. "I'm friends with one. Well, dating one." said Robert grinning at me. "Shut up." I felt his hand on mine as I looked up at him. He looked so hot in his glasses as he gazed at me with goregous brown eyes of his. "You look so cute with you're glasses on." I said giggling at him. He smiled at me as leaned over to kiss my cheek. "Let's get this homework done shall we?" he whispered.

It didn't take no more then thirty minutes to finish my homework. We talked for a little while about how my day went with my parents. It was getting late and I need some sleep. I walked Robert out as we stood there on the porch. "Thanks for helping me with my homework." I said. "No problem." he replied smiling. "Goodnight." "Goodnight, Lori sweet dreams." He cups my face into his hands and kisses my forhead. "You lying little bitch. I knew there was something going on between you two! We both shot a look over to see Miss Rowan standing there rage in her eyes. I backed away looking at her confused yet, I hid my fear. "Lacy, what are you doing here?" asked Robert. "I've been waiting to catch you two in the act and guess what I did." "It's not what it looks like. She needed help with her homework." "Bullshit, I've read her file Robert she not stupid. Hello, honor roll and AP classes does she look like she needs help with anything." "I've had enough of this. Nothing happen so go home!" "Oh my God, you fell for her trap. I know she has a crush on you. She nothing but, a little slut." "That is enough, Lacy! I've had up to here with your jealousy. Your fired!" Lacy looked up at Robert upset as tears ran down her face. She quickly wiped them away and shot a death look at me. She shoved Robert to the side and tackled me to the floor. She started wailing on me as I tried to fight her back. "You fucking little whore! I'm going to kill you!" I could hear Robert calling campus security. I kicked Lacy off me as I go to crawl away. Lacy grabs my leg and jabs me with a sharp objected. I let out a scream in pain as I could see Robert kick the knife out of Lacy's hand as he held a tight grip around her waist. "You stole him from me you little tramp!" Campus security shows up and takes Lacy by both arms dragging her away. Robert kneels down next to me and takes his sweater off tieing it around my leg. He picks me up and carries me down the steps. The security guard lent us his car as Robert laid me gently in the backseat. "We'll take care of Miss Rowan and will call you if anything happens." said the security guard. Robert jumps in the car and speeds off down the road to the highway. "Stay with me Lori we're almost to the hospital." said Robert. I look down to see blood gushing out of my leg as it trailed down on to the floor. My head was growing woozy as I laid there trying to apply pressure. Finally I was getting to weak and passed out.

*Robert's POV*

I finally made it to the hospital and jumped out the car. I opened the backdoor to see Lori pass out. I quickly pulled her out and carried her inside the ER. "Somebody, help me!" I yelled as the nurse quickly scanned her card opening the doors. "Lay her right here." she said as she yelled for more nurses to come help. I followed behind them as the took Lori to the emergency operating room. I stood there watching them plug her up to different machines. I could hear the heart monitor beep and gave me a sign relief that she was still alive. One of the nurses walked over towards me. "Sir, are you the father?" she asked. "No, I'm her principle over the Academy of West Colombia." I answered. "Do you have any way of contacting her parents its urgent that they are here?" "May I ask why?" "She needs blood and we need to find out her history." "Alright, I can get a hold of them now." "Okay thank you. I need you to go in the waiting until they arrive." I nodded my head and walked into the waiting room. I dialed up her dads phone waiting for an answer. "Hello?" answered Charles. "Hi, Mr. James this is Principle Downey, I'm calling in regards daughter. There was just an incident at the cabins which I'll explain when get to the hospital." I said as calmy because on the inside I was freaking the hell out. "The hospital?! Is my daughter okay?" "Yes for the moment she is they just need you here to clarify her medical history because she needs blood." "We will be there in in less 10 minutes." He hung up and I went to sit down on one of the chairs. I have no idea what the hell I'm going to tell them about what happen. On top of that I'm worried about Lori. I feel like it's my fault she suffering. It should have been me that Lacy stabbed. Shit, what the hell am I gonna do?

*Sorry for the super late update. My house got flooded yesterday from a broken pipe and on top of that no electricity. But all is good now so far I will try and post another update tonight. Thank you guys for being patient and liking this story...anyways What do you think will happen? Will Robert have a good convincing story to tell her parents? Will they believe him? What do you think will happen to Lacy? Vote and comment please.*

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