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All day during school I was bummed out. Not because of what happen last night with Robert. Oh No! That night was spectacular. Of course I'm upset that we can't be intimiate do to the fact that troll of a ex-wife he has is stalking him. The real reason I'm bummed is because of Henry. Not that I mind tutoring its just not with him. I wish I had an excuse to get out of it.

My last class was AP Calculus. Yes my schedual is crazy. Its like one day I have it in the morning and the next day it's my last class. I was sitting there looking at the board as I watched Gina teach. She wasn't that bad as a teacher. Just a horrible person in general. She doesn't like to repeat herself and when you don't answer fast she blows up. I haven't had a problem so far with her. I'd figured since our conversation last time she would be giving me a hard time.

"Lori, do you have an answer for this problem?" I snapped out of my trance to see Gina staring at me. I looked at the board and down at my paper. I had already solve the problem. "'s zero to Pi over two." I answered studdering. She gave me a half smile and wrote my answer on my board. "That's correct, and Lori please see me after class." I nodded my head in agreement and looked back down at my notebook. What does she want know? Is it because I waited to long to answer? I quickly pulled out my phone and texted Henry that I was going to be a little late. "Miss James is that a cellphone I see!" snapped Gina. I shot my head up to see her standing at my desk. I stayed quiet as I held my phone against me. "Give me your phone!" I hesitated a moment then gave it to her. She snatched it out of my hand and stormed over to her desk. She pulled out the pink slip sheet and began writting. Son of a bitch I'm dead. She ripped out the page and held it out. "Go to the principle's office." I got up from my desk and over to hers taking the slip. I walked out the room and headed to Robert's office.

I made it the as Helen was sitting there smiling up at me. "Is Mr. Downey in?" I asked. "Yeah, go on in." she said. I opened the door stepping in closing the door behind me. Robert looked up at me confused as I took my seat in the chair in front of him. "What's going on?" he asked. I handed him the pink slip and began reading it. "Lori, I told you not to text me during class." "I wasn't texting you. I was text Henry." I replied. "Why were you texting him?" "Later after school i was going to help tutor Henry at the library. I really didn't want to but, as you know me I don't like saying no to help. Well, I dazed out of class thinking about it. Gina snapped me out of it asking me for the answer to the problem on the board. I hesitated a moment then I gave her the answer I had already written. She writes it down and says i was right. Then she tells me to see her after class for God knows what. So, i pulled out my phone to text Henry letting him know that I was going to be a little late. Gina then catches me and takes my phone." Robert takes a deep breathe and let's it out. "You know I can't let you off the hook right." "I know." "So, I have no choice but, to give you after school detention in her class." "Fine maybe I can find out what she wanted." "Alright." I stood up to leave out the door. "Oh and Lori." He said before I walked out. "What?" I asked. "I love you." I smiled and blushed, "I love you, too."

School was finally over and I stayed in my seat in Gina's class. I sat there quietly as she was cleaning up the room. Once she was finished she stood there looking at me. "Lori, I just want you to know that I don't like when my students use their phones in my class. It's disrespectful to me. I also don't like when students lie to me." My eyes widen as she gave me a crooked smile. When did I lie to her? Now, I'm really worried. "I'm confused. I never lied to you." I said. "Yes, you did." She tossed me my phone and I caught it. "You do know about Mr. Downey's new girlfriend." I shot up from my seat and walked towards her. "You snooped through my phone!" "Who say's I did? It would be my word against yours. If you don't want me to tell about your precious little romance with the principle then you have to do something for me." "No one will believe you." "Oh, really go ahead and delete those messages. I already made copies of them." That bitch! I want to just wrap my hands around her neck and choke her to death. I let out a sigh and looked at her. "What do you want?" I wanted to slap that crooked smile of hers as she stepped up close to me. "I want you to break up with Robert and date Henry. I know that boy likes so make it happen." I fucking knew it. But, I have no choice I don't want Robert to lose his job. "If I find out you told him I will send his ass straight to jail. Got it!" "You're such a bitch you know that." I snapped. Gina gave me a smirk and grabbed her things. "I want it done today. Have a good night." She walked past me and walked out the class.

My blood was boiling from rage. It's not fucking right. I let out a scream in the room covering my face. I sat down in the desk and layed my head down. Tears fell from my eyes as I looked out the window. I can't believe this Gina ruined everything. I don't want Robert to go to jail. I don't even want to lose him. I maybe of age but, the fact he hooked up with a student is still the issue. How am I going to tell him? Henry would be thrilled that I wanted to go out with him. My life is over as of now.

**Sorry for the late update...I was going to post yesterday but didn't feel like it. So to make it up to you guys I combined two chapters. I really was going to write this and kept you hanging on suspense but I don't know. Hope you guys enjoy it.


So, How do you think Robert is going to take it when Lori breaks up with him? Will Lori stay with Henry long? Will Gina finally have a chance at getting Robert back? Guess you'll find out next update coming soon.**

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