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Shana and I were in the courtyard recruiting memebers for the organization I started that helps give needy families food, clothes, and toys for the kids on christmas. I called it "Helping Hands". We had about 150 students join and all of the teacher. "Oh my God this is turning out great." said Shana with excitement. "I know right?! We won't be able to get anything done for Thanksgiving but, for Christmas we can." I said. "We can do something for Thanksgiving. If we get everyone to pitch in for a cater then we can get others to help do activites and stuff for the kids. Oh my God even decorate. Oh, but we have to ask Principle Downey and he never says yes." "You maybe wrong on that. If you can get flyers out tomorrow for the club meeting. Then I'll arrange the date of when the event will be. Once that's done and everyone is in on it then we can run it by Mr. Downey." "I can totally get that done by today and tomorrow we can have the meeting." "Good, I just know he'll say yes."

After school I helped Shana post up flyers around the school and to everyone. We left to my cabin to set up everything for the meeting. I get a knock at the door. I quickly got up to see who it was. It was Robert. I opened the door as he stood there smiling. He wore a nice white dress shirt button down exposing a little bit of chest hair tucked in his blue jeans. I couln't take my eyes off him. He looked so yummy. I quickly snapped out of my trance and gave him a half smile. "Mr. Downey, what brings you here?" I said moving my eyes to signal him that there was a student inside. He smiled at me as walked inside. "Hello, Miss Wells how are you?" asked Robert holding out his hand. Shana's eyes widen as she gazed up and down at him. She smiled as shook his hand. I couldn't help but laugh at how she reacted to him. "M-Mr. Downey, hey! I-I'm fine and you." answered Shana studdering. "I'm good, I noticed ya'lls flyers and wanted to find out what you guys are planning." He went to take a seat on the couch next to Shana. She looked at me eyes widen as she mouthed 'What the fuck?' at me. I smiled at her as went to sit in the single couch next to Shana. "We were hoping to see you at your office to tell you what we were planning. I guess we have no choice in telling you now." I said. "What is it?" he asked. "We want to hire a caterer to cook up a big dinner for any family who can't have afford to have a Thanksgiving this year. We'll have games and activities that everyone can get in on. We just need the approval so we can get it started." "Do you have a banquet hall that you can do it at?" "My mom knows a great place to have it done at." "Sounds like a great idea. You have my approval." Shana shot a look at Robert with shock. It's like she was suprise to hear he said yes. "Did he seriously just say yes?!" she asked shockingly. Robert began to laugh as he shook his head yes. "Awesome thank you Mr. Downey!" "Not a problem. I better get going have some important matters to attend to. See you guys later at the meeting." Robert stood up from the couch and headed towards the door. Before he left he turned to look at me. "Also, Miss James sign my name in for your club. Consider me as your sponser." Robert closes the door behind him and leaves.

My phone vibrated and I read the text. 'Let me know when your friend leaves and I'll come over.' I smiled to myself as looked over at Shana. "Okay, I'm going to be honest with you. I did not see that coming." said Shana as she sat back on the couch. "I told you he would say yes." She sat back up and scooted over closer to me. She had a big grin on her face. "I know you're going to think I'm crazy for saying this but, I have to say Mr. Downey is like totally hot for an older guy." I busted out laughing at her as she joined in. "I mean the way he was dressed just now. Not to mention the way he smelled. Ugh so sexy." she continued. "I know right?!" I said. "Any girl would be lucky to have him." "Shana, I want to tell you a secret but, I need to know if I can trust to keep it to yourself." "Yeah, we're friends right?" "Okay, well you won't believe this but, we are actually a couple." "WHAT?!" "Shh, keep your voice down." "No way! Your dating Principle Hottie. Oh my God, details now. Is he a good kisser? Does he have a big-" "Shut up!" She started laughing as she fell back on the couch. "Well?! I have to ask." "Doesn't mean I'm going to tell you. Besides, we have done that yet. As far the kissing, he's amazing." She let out a scream as she hugged me. "You lucky little bitch. I promise not to tell anyone your secret." "Thanks."

After Shana left Robert came over to spend the night. I let him know that she too knows about us. I even told what she said about him and that his nickname she gave him was 'Principle Hottie'. All he could do was laugh about everything. That next morning he left out and later left my cabin. Shana ran up beside me as we both walked to school together. We were standing at my locker when Shana leaned down close to me and whisper, "Henry's walking over." I turned to see Henry leaning against the locker next to mine as he gave me a smile. "Hey, Lori. Can we talk?" He asked. "I don't know can you? I mean after the way you treated her last time." Henry frowned at Shana as she glared at him. "I got this Shana, go on a head." I said. "Fine. But if i hear or see my best friend upset I'm gonna make sure you won't be able to walk for 3 days." She walk off down the hall and into class. "Start talking, I don't want to be late for class." I snapped as we slowly walked down the hallway. "Lori, I want to apologize for the way I acted towards you the last time we talked. A true friend is suppose to like you for who you are. I should have respected your beliefs and I'm sorry." I looked up at him as had my arms folded in front of me. "You hurt me, Henry. I don't think I can let that happen again." "I give you my word that it won't happen again. Just give me one more chance." "Fine, but you have to earn my trust. I'm not letting my guard down for one second. Got it." "Got it. Thanks, Lori." I walked away and into the classroom.

I sat there thinking about what had just happen. What possessed Henry to finally want to apologize? Are things that bad that he needed to try and be my friend again? No matter what happens I'm not letting my guard down. Just got to watch out because I still find it strange.

*Do you guys think somethings up with Henry? Why do you guys think Lori feels that way? Vote and Comment what you think please. Next chapt soon. I don't have to babysit for the rest of the week so expect more updates on all three stories... Also if you guys haven't read the story "Love & Pick-up Lines" you have to add it to your library. Its a really great story. Go to @Uhhuuh profile and read it. Its a rdj fanfic and I love it.*

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