Chapter 1

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"What's her name?" Charming asked Snow as she was holding their daughter

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"What's her name?" Charming asked Snow as she was holding their daughter.

"Rosalina." Snow told him.

"Rosalina." Charming smiled.

"I'll always love you."  He told the baby.

"Be careful with her." Blue appeared.

The couple looked towards Blue.

"Why should we be careful? Is she cursed?" Snow asked worriedly.

"No. But because she is the first product of true love she has rare magic." Blue explained.

"She's has magic?" Snow asked eagerly.

Blue happily nodded.

"A magic so rare, that every villain around the world, wants its,"  Blue explained.

"Even Regina?" Charming asked venomously.

"Even Regina but she's not the one you should fear the most,"  Blue told them.

They were confused.

"Have you ever heard of a land called Neverland?" Blue asked.

The nodded.

"Peter Pan. The evilest of all villains. Protect her from him at all cost." Blue told them.

"I will," Charming told her.

Blue flew away.


16 years later

Rosalina Charming was dating Grumpy's son, Toby and they hid it from there parents because the thought they wouldn't approve.

When they were kissing at the edge of a cliff...

"Ahem."  A voice came.

They looked towards the voice and all three of their parents were standing with there arms crossed.

"I-it's not what looks like." Rosalina stuttered and pushed Toby aside.

"So you two are a thing now?" Prince Charming asked while making his way towards them.

"No-not at all." Toby stuttered.

"Oh, then what was that?"  Grumpy asked.

"It was just a friendly kiss." The two kids said at the same time

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