Chapter 19

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Note: Rosalina completed her High School education in the enchanted forest.

Rosalina, Emma and Henry were out getting food for making tacos

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Rosalina, Emma and Henry were out getting food for making tacos.

"Ta-cos."Rosalina laughed trying out the new word.

They soon made it back to the loft.

"Hey, guess what?  Taco shells were on sale." Henry entered the loft.

"Apparently, tacos not a big item in the Enchanted-" Emma began when she saw Snow and David in bed, making tacos of their own.

"It's such a funny na-" Rosalina began as she entered she saw the same horrifying scene.

Oh my Goodness..... Rosalina thought.

She closed her eyes in disgust.

"What are you guys still doing in bed? It's the middle of the afternoon."  Henry said cluelessly.

"The trip back was tiring, and I needed to rest." Snow said awkwardly.

"And I needed,"  David said awkwardly.

"Uh, let's- let's go make the tacos. We have to make a lot because there's gonna be a ton of people at Granny's welcome back party tonight." Emma told Henry.

"Yeah Tacos, tacos," Rosalina told Henry.

Henry made his way towards the kitchen.

"We thought you were gonna be back later." Snow whispered to her daughter.

"Yeah, well, we weren't, so maybe next time you could put a tie on the door or send a text or-" Emma whispered.

"Lock the door. Simply just lock the door." Rosalina whispered.

"You know what? I'm...I'm gonna go make some tacos. Come on Rosy."  Emma told her sister.

And they leave to go to the kitchen.

"I'll show you how to make them,"  Henry said excitedly.

"O-ok," Rosalina said weakly still horrified of seeing her parents in bed together.


Granny's Diner

Emma, Snow's welcome back party and Rosalina's welcome party.

Rosalina entered and she was hugged by the dwarves.

"Rosalina!" They shouted.

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