Chapter 8

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Rosalina was below deck trying to get to know Baelfire but he wouldn't talk

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Rosalina was below deck trying to get to know Baelfire but he wouldn't talk. He wouldn't trust pirates. She gave up and came upstairs.

"Captain, we have to give them the boy. They've killed for less. The sooner we give them what they want, the sooner they leave us alone." Smee told The Captain.

"No, I can't part with him now, not when I know he's The Dark One's son. It can't be chance that brought him here. Providence must be at work. He is the key to my revenge. I won't lose him." Hook told him.

While he is talking, the lost boys came in the ship looking very ruthless and cruel. Rosalina quickly hid.

"You again. I told you there is no girl here." Hook told Felix

"No, now we are looking for a boy." He told him.

"There is no boy here either." Hook told him.

"Look we know for a fact that the girl is here.  So either give the girl or give the boy." Felix told him.

This is the only way for The Captain to have a family. The only chance for The Captain to let go of his revenge. The only way for him to be happy...Rosalina thought.

"I'm right here!" She shouted and came out.

Felix smirked.

"I'll go with you at least let me say goodbye." She told Felix

'Ok, say goodbye to your little pirate family.' Felix hissed.

Hook went to Rosalina.

"What are you doing?!" He whisper-yelled at her.

"I'm doing this for you. This is your one chance to be a family with Baelife. Do not waste it." She told him.

"I'm not going to let you do this." He told her.

"You have to." Rosalina hugged him.

She cried a little while a tear slipped The Captain's eye. He was saying goodbye to his best friend.

After that she said goodbye to everybody else on the ship and she went with Felix.

"Well, well, well...Look who's back."  Pan smirked.

Rosalina glared at him.

"I hope you enjoyed your little quest because you're about to be punished." He kicked her in the stomach.

After being severely tortured by Pan. She put into a cage. 

"You ok?" A voice came.

Rosalina turned towards the voice and saw a blonde girl.

"Who-who are you? What are you doing here?" Rosalina asked.

"I was put in a cage as well. I came to save a friend but I can't find him."  The girl told her.

Rosalina didn't say anything to her.

"You're his lost girl aren't you?" She asked.

"That's what he calls me,"  Rosalina told the girl.

"I'm Wendy." The girl told her.

"Rosalina," Rosalina told her name.

They smiled at each other.

After two days of staying in the cage. Pan let her out. He gave her bow and arrow she left behind.

"I'm going to give you a second chance. We are going to have a hand to hand combat. And then if you're a good girl I'll let you see your friend, Tinkerbell and you can stay in your cave." Pan explained.

TinkerBell's treehouse

'"Tink? Tink!" Rosalina shouted.

"Rosy!" Tink hugged her.

"Where were you for the past year?"  Tink asked.

"I was still in Neverland. Just not this part of it." Rosalina told her.

"Then where were you?" Tinkerbell asked.

"I met a friend he let me stay with him," Rosalina explained.

"Ohhh.'" Tink smirked.

"Ew! No. He's probably my dad's age. Maybe even older." Rosalina told her.

'"So you're back now. What did Pan do?" Tink asked.

"Torture for a day. Then kept me in a cage for a while." Rosalina told her.

Tinkerbell hugged her while she cried.

Some more time past...

She was now sitting around the campfire with The Lost Boys. It's was mandatory to always sit around the campfire together.

A new boy sat next to her. But she didn't look up to see who it was.

'"Hi, again."  He greeted her.
She knew that voice.
She looked up.

Sorry for any errors...


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