Chapter 17

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The Enchanted Forest

Snow and Rosalina were in the woods deep in thought

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Snow and Rosalina were in the woods deep in thought. Emma approached them.

"What are you two doing?" Emma asked.

"Uh, just thinking." Snow told her.

"Come on. Mulan has some ideas where Cora might be hiding."  Emma told them.

The Enchanted Forest.

"Snow! Rosalina!" Aurora yelled after she woke up.

"Hey, we're here." Rosalina ran up to her with Snow on her side.

"It's okay, it's okay. It was just another nightmare." Snow comforted her.

"No, this time was different. There was a little boy. He...he put out the fire. He talked to me." Aurora told them.

"A little boy?" Rosalina questioned.

"What'd he say?" Emma asked.

"He said...he said his name was Henry." Aurora told them.         

The Enchanted Forest

Emma, Rosalina and Snow's camp.

"The boy you saw in your dream, is that him?" Emma showed Aurora a picture of Henry.

"Yes, it's Henry." Aurora nodded.

"That's impossible. Right?" Rosy asked.

"It was a dream. How could you dream of my son?"  Emma asked.

"I have no idea," Aurora told them.

"Maybe it wasn't a dream." Snow spoke up.

"What?" Emma and Rosalina asked in unions.

"That room...I've been there." Snow admitted.

"When I told you about it, you didn't say anything," Aurora told her.

"You were terrified. I didn't wanna make things worse by telling you I thought, it might be real." Snow told her.

"A room in a dream is real?" Mulan asked.

"How is this possible?" Rosalina asked.

"The Sleeping Curse. It has to be. I went through it, Aurora went through it." Snow explained.

"Henry's been through it because I wouldn't believe him."  Emma was feeling guilty.

What?...Rosalina thought.

"Emma-" Snow began.

'"What else did you lie about?" Aurora asked.

"I was-I wasn't lying. I was protecting you."  Snow told her.

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