Chapter 44

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The Enchanted Forest. Past, last year. Snow White and company made their way across the land.
The Evil Queen stopped and looked at her former palace in the distance.

Rosalina walked up to her.

"Regina," Rosalina spoke up.

"I always wanted to bring him here and have him all to myself. And now he doesn't even remember me. I thought he would enjoy the tunnels since he was interested in the mines...Tunnels!" Regina's eyes widened in realization.

"What tunnels?" Rosalina asked.

Snow and David came to them.

"Rosalina give us a moment please." Snow told her.

Rosalina sighed but nodded and went to Toby.

As Rosalina was walking with Toby she kept looking at her parents talking to Regina.

What did she mean by tunnels?... Rosalina thought.

Suddenly a shrieking was heard and a flying monkey swooped in. Charming drew his sword, Snow and Rosalina readied to loose an arrow.

"Something's coming." Neal gasped.

It all happened so fast. The monkey pushes him out of its path and flew toward Roland, who was right in front of The Evil Queen.

"Papa!" Roland yelled.

"Roland!" Robin started making his way towards his son. In the meantime, the Queen ran in front of the boy, gently pushing him away from the creature as Roland ran over to his father.

"Not so fast." Regina magically transformed the monkey into a stuffed animal.

Then she approached Robin and Roland.

"See, not so scary. Now you have a new toy." Regina smiled and gave the boy the toy.

"Thank you." Robin thanked her still in shock.
Storybrooke. Present. Blanchard Apartment. Hook, Rosalina, Toby, Snow and David were sitting in the living room. Emma comes down the stairs.

"Okay, Henry is asleep upstairs. If he wakes up, you all are helping me with the case." She said as she sat down on a sofa.

"So, what the hell happened here? I mean, besides the obvious." Emma gestured toward a pregnant Snow.

"We don't know. We watched you drive over the town line with Henry. Regina started to cast her spell to take us all back to The Enchanted Forest and then...everything went black." Snow told her.

"And the next thing we remember is waking up in our beds like it was any other morning in Storybrooke," David added.

"Except it clearly wasn't," Toby mumbled.

Snow put a protective hand over her belly

"Almost harvest time and you can't remember the planting. It's bad luck, mate." Hook remarked.

"Put your disgusting humor aside." Rosalina gave him a disgusted look.

"Clearly a year's past. I was in New York, I know I was." Emma told them.

"And we don't know where the hell we were. We don't even know if we left Storybrooke." David told her.

"Aye, you did. I was with you." Hook told them.

"In The Enchanted Forest?" Snow asked.

"Regina's spell brought us back. We've spent a brief time with a Prince and Princess named Phillip and Aurora. But I wasn't feeling the community spirit, so I ventured off on my own. The last I saw of you lot, you were making your way to Regina's castle."  Hook explained.

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