Chapter 40

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Neverland. Skull Rock. Emma, Regina, and Neal were are persistently trying to shake Henry awake, but he remained motionless.

"Oh god, is he unconscious?" Emma asked still shaking him.

"Henry, can you hear us?" Regina asked shaking him.

"He passed out as soon as his heart went into Pan." Rosalina kneeled in front of Henry.

"Is he breathing?" Regina asked.

"I don't know." Neal shook his head.

Pan descended down from the air.

"What the hell did you do to him?" Emma stood up.

"Oh, I didn't do anything, Emma. It was Henry. He offered me his heart of his own free will." Pan smirked.

Emma unsheathed her sword.

"I'm gonna take it back from you, " as Emma lunged forward, Pan disappeared out of thin air.

"I don't think you have it in you," Pan said as he grabbed the Pandora box from behind.

Emma turned around in surprise.

"Rumplestiltskin didn't. Why should you?" Pan asked he tossed the box around in his hand.

"Where is he?" Neal demanded as he stood up.

"What did you do?" Rosalina asked as she stood up.

"Oh, he's right in this box. Safe and sound. And out of the way. Unfortunately for you, he can't hurt me anymore. And neither can you." Pan smirked.

"Really?" Emma took a hit at him. Her sword cut his arm.

"'How did that feel?" Emma hissed.

"Like a tickle," Pan smirked.

With that, he flew into the air and retreated.

"How is he?" Emma asked as she kneeled down next to Henry.

"You're going to be all right, Henry. We're gonna get you home." Regina said rubbing his chest.

Neverland. Skull Rock.

Regina was casting a preservation spell on Henry's body.

"This preservation spell can keep him in this condition for a while longer Buy us time to get to Pan," Regina told them

"You were a Lost Boy and a Lost Girl. Any idea where he went?" Emma asked Rosalina and Neal.

"Well, I-I know where he lived," Neal told them.

"Yeah, where his compound-" Rosalina began.

"That's idiotic. We all know that. Think he's stupid enough to go back? Please." Regina scoffed.

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