Chapter 38

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Neal was telling all of them how to get off the Island

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Neal was telling all of them how to get off the Island.

"Pan's shadow? That's your way off the island?" Emma asked.

"Unfortunately, it's the only way without him knowing," Neal told them.

"Oh, we thought you learned how to navigate the stars," Toby told him.

 "I know how to navigate the stars, but I can't fly," Neal told them.

"I'm guessing that's where the shadow comes in." Snow slightly smiled.

"That's why we have to capture it," Neal told them.

"Capture it? We've never been within feet of Pan unless he wanted us to be. Sneaking up on him to steal his shadow? That sounds insane." Emma told them.

 "Except Pan's shadow is rarely with him. It's an entity unto itself. It can carry out his will from miles away." Hook informed.

"What does that mean for us?" David asked.

"It means we can get his shadow without having to be anywhere near Pan as long as we know where to look." Rosalina realized.

 "I know where to look." Neal nodded.

"I figured." Rosalina slightly smiled.

"Okay. You, Rosy and I are on shadow duty." Emma informed the three stood up.

"As am I." Hook stepped up.

 Everybody stared at Hook.

"This trek won't be easy. You could use another veteran of the island." Hook covered up.

Rosalina rolled her eyes.

"Thanks, man." Neal nodded.

 "Well, in the meantime, we'll give Tinkerbell a heads up, see if she can make good on her promise to get us into Pan's camp," David told them, gesturing to Toby, Snow and himself.

 "Okay, we meet back at Tink's. Then we get Henry and get the hell back to Storybrooke." Emma told them.

They began to get ready for the journey.

"You and I need to talk before you go." Toby grabbed Rosalina's arm.

Rosalina was packing a bunch of arrows as Toby stood by.

"Okay, I guess I'll be the one to talk." Toby sighed.

Rosalina stayed silent.

"Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you about David getting shot by an arrow. He's like a father to me too. How do you think I feel?" Toby asked.

Rosalina stayed silent.

"Look, I just recently found out that my family might not be my family.  That-that my father might not be my father. Knowing that I  had little to nothing to say because I was too scared and paranoid. I-I didn't know how to tell you. I-I'm sorry." Toby choked.

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