Chapter 21

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The town line.

A car accident had just taken place.                      

Emma pulled up in the sheriff car with David in the front passenger seat and Snow and Rosalina in the back seat

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Emma pulled up in the sheriff car with David in the front passenger seat and Snow and Rosalina in the back seat

David, Emma, and Snow approach Rumplestilkin and Belle. But Rosalina noticed  Hook and instead of going to them she went to him.

"Are you happy now? You failed to kill your enemy and you almost died!"  Rosalina said as she was angry.

"You know a simple 'are you okay?' would of be fine princess."  Hook said in pain.

"Son of a bitch." Rosalina rolled eyes.

Emma approached them and stood over Hook next to Rosalina.

"Hey, beautiful. Here I didn't think you'd— notice! Ahh!" Hook yelled as Emma touched his chest.

"Your ribs are broken," Emma told him.

"That must be why it hurts when I laugh. Did you see his face? His one true love gone in an instant!"  Hook yelled.

"Shut up Hook!" Rosalina yelled.

Rumplestiltskin turned at the sound of his words and began making his way towards him.

"Just like Milah, Crocodile when you took her from me!" Hook yelled as he attempted to get up.

"But you took her first."  Rumplestiltskin bashed Hook in the chest with his foot.

"Stop!" Rosalina yelled.

"Gold, are you insane?!"  Emma yelled.

"Yes, I am!" Rumplestiltskin proceeded to use his cane to strangle Hook's windpipe.

"You can't do this!" David tried to pull him off.

"Yes, I can, if you let me go,"  Rumplestiltskin told him as he continued to strangle Hook.

Rosalina and Emma tried to get him off as well.

"You don't want her to see that," Emma told him.

"I'm a stranger to her," Rumplestiltskin told her while he was strangling Hook.

"Murder is a bad first impression,"  Emma told him.

"What would Belle want you to do?"  David asked trying to make a point. that's her name...Rosalina thought.

Sirens blared loudly as the ambulance approached

Gold hesitated and David forced him away from Hook.

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