Chapter 49

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Regina's House Storybrooke, Present-day Hook, David, Snow, Rosalina, and Toby were waiting in the study

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Regina's House Storybrooke, Present-day
Hook, David, Snow, Rosalina, and Toby were waiting in the study. David and Snow were arguing over a baby name while Hook was observing a green apple on the couch.

"I'd watch out for the apples in this house," Emma said as she came inside and took off her coat.

"Aye." Hook nodded.

"It was a joke. Where's your sense of humor?" Emma asked.

"It left when the witch arrived." Hook replied.

"Well, we're gonna take care of that. Regina said she has a plan." Emma told him

"I'm sure she does." Hook replied.

Hook and Emma then went and sat on the table where everyone else was.

"Emma, Rosalina, will you please tell your mother that we're not gonna name your brother 'Leopold'?" David turned to his daughters.

Rosalina and Emma didn't look pleased with the name but before they could say anything Toby gave his input.

"Ew." Toby made a disgusted face.

"Exactly, thank you, Toby." David nodded at Toby.

"Excuse you. It was my father's name." Snow turned to Toby.

"Well did your grandparents hate your father, because it sounds they did," Toby told her.

Rosalina hit arm and gave him a scolding look while Snow gave Toby an annoyed look.

"Mary Margaret, people will make fun of him," David told his wife.

"My father was a King." Snow said offended.

"Which is why nobody made fun of him." David pointed out.

"Okay, what about 'Eva', after my mother?" Snow suggested.

"That's cute." Rosalina smiled.

"I don't know how well that'll work with a boy." David pointed out.

"It might not be a boy." Snow pointed out.

Rosalina smiled. she knew her father always wanted a son. He loved his daughters dearly but he always wanted to have a little boy. Rosalina thought it might be because he wanted to give a little boy everything he couldn't have when David himself was a little boy.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. I was making this special tea." Regina said as came in with a teapot and began pouring it in glasses.

David and Roslina were about to take sips.

"No!" Regina yelled.

They both looked alarmed.

"Don't drink it. It's a deadly poison for summoning the dark vortex." Regina explained.

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