Chapter 42

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Storybrooke. Present. Belle, Toby, Rosalina, David, Emma, Henry, Hook, Snow, Neal, Regina, and Tinker Bell are gathered outside the vault building with Mr. Gold.

"Another curse? It's happening again?" Snow asked fearfully.

"Gold, this curse, is it going to work like the last one?" Emma questioned.

"The last one was created to service the Queen's wishes. This will be done per Pan's desire. I would count on something hellish." Gold informed with a straight face.

"Well you certainly have a way o
With words don't you?" Rosalina remarked sarcastically.

Gold gave her an annoyed look.

"The curse was built to be unstoppable. There's nothing that can be done." Regina told them.

"Well, it is possible to stop it." Gold informed looking at Regina.

"What?" Regina questioned.

"By using the scroll itself. It can only be undone by the person who used the scroll. That's you, Regina." Gold told her.

Everyone stared at Regina.

Storybrooke. Present. Outside the vault building. Everyone followed.

"What do I have to do?" Regina questioned.

"You must destroy the scroll. Both yours and his curses shall be ended, but know this there will be a price; a steep one." Gold told her.

"W-what do you suggest?" Regina became uneasy

"Instead of going to him, bring him to us with a spell." Gold told her.

Regina gave him a confused look.

"One that will return Pan and Henry to their own bodies."Gold explained.

Storybrooke. Present. The wishing well.

"Are we missing something?" Felix asked looked from inside the well to Pan.

"Yes." Pan nodded.

"What is it?" Felix asked.

"The heart of the thing I love most," Pan informed.

"You mean your son's heart? Rumplestiltskin?" Felix asked.

"No, uh, I never loved Rumple." Pan shook his head.

"Then perhaps Rosalina. You always said she was yours." Felix said.

"She was a mere object I use for my pleasures. A pretty object but still an object." Pan informed.

"Well, then, whose heart do we need? Who do you love?" Felix asked confused.

Everything went downhill for Felix after that.

Storybrooke. Present. Outside the vault building. Everybody began leaving.

"If I'm back in my own body, that means I'll have the scroll. I can bring it to you guys."  Henry was making sure he understood the plan.

"Exactly right, Henry." Gold nodded.

"Even you aren't powerful enough to cast such a spell." Regina saw a flaw in Gold's plan.

"Well, given the proper tool, I could be." Gold informed.

"The Black Fairy's wand. One of the most powerful fairies that ever existed. Well-versed in dark magic. The Blue Fairy exiled her, but before she did, she took her wand." Tinkerbell informed.

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