Chapter 12

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Time passed Emma was about to be born and Geppetto was building the wardrobe with Pinocchio

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Time passed Emma was about to be born and Geppetto was building the wardrobe with Pinocchio.

Blue went Snow and Charming as they were having a conversation with the dwarves.

"We have a situation." The Blue fairy entered.

"What kind of situation?" Snow asked.

"We need pixie dust for the wardrobe," Blue told them.

"I'll get some from The Mines,"  Grumpy told her.

"There isn't enough time to go to The Mines and get pixie dust." The Blue Fairy told him.

They all didn't know what to do now.

"I think I can help with that." Rosalina entered with Toby by her side.

They all followed Rosalina to her room. She took out her stash of pixie dust.

"How did you get this?" Grumpy asked.

"I'm The Pixie Thief," Rosalina admitted.

"What?!" Everybody yelled.

The dwarves immediately got angry and everybody started fighting.

"Just let her explain!" Toby shouted.

"You knew about this!" Grumpy shouted.

"Of course I knew about this. I saw her face!" Toby shouted.

"LET HER EXPLAIN!" Blue shouted.

Everybody calmed down.

"I was The Pixie Thief because I had a dream. I knew this day was going to come and I knew that it would be too late to go to The Mines and get some."  Rosalina told everybody.

Everybody calmed down. She was trying to help.

"You still snuck out all the time without my permission."  Charming scolded Rosalina.

"See that's the thing, dad. You don't allow me to go anywhere without you or the guards. You want to protect me from every villain and I understand that but I feel trapped. Everybody said 'The Pixie Thief can fight. The Pixie Thief is invincible. The Pixie Thief was a legend.' I was a legend. I can defend myself. I want to defend myself. I wanted to be the hero for a change. I wanted to make a difference. And this was the only way.  I don't want to be trapped anymore."  Rosalina was now crying.

Charming pulled Rosalina into a hug.

"I had no idea you felt that way,"  Charming told her.

"That's because I never told you,"  Rosalina told him.

"Hate to break up the moment but speaking of trapped if we don't get the pixie dust to the wardrobe fast we are all going to be trapped in Regina's curse for eternity," Blue spoke up.

"You are a hero." Snow assured her daughter.

They hugged.

Story Brooke
The curse was now broken

David and Snow were hugging Emma and Henry.

"Where is Rosy?" A voice asked.

They turned around and saw Toby.

"Last memory I have of her is her being in a teenage boy's arms flying away," Toby told them.

"Can you describe the boy?" David asked.

'Brown hair, blue eyes, smirk never left his face." Toby described.

"Peter Pan." David sighed.

"This is all my fault." Snow was crying.

'What?' David questioned.

'I tried fighting him...I really did. Even Rosy did...But he was too powerful." Snow said in between crying.

"Hey, hey it's ok.  None of this is your fault. We will find her." Charming told Snow.

"Please?" Toby nearly begged.

"She's my daughter. I will find her. I promise." David assured Toby.

"Who's the one person who knows everything around here?" Snow hinted.

Emma, Henry, David, Snow and Toby all went to Gold's Pawn Shop.

"Well isn't this a lovely family reunion. Though I did notice the fact that it's not complete."  Gold smirked as the entered.

"As much as it pains me to say this we need your help," Emma told him.

"In what?" Gold asked.

"My sister. Where is she? We need to find her."  Emma told him.

"I'm afraid I can not help you with that." Gold told her.

"And why not? Don't you have a magic bean in here or something?"  David asked.

"No, I do not. Though I can give you this." Gold used magic and out came a prophecy.

"Products of True Love?" Snow read.

"Find her and together both your daughters will be invincible."  Gold told Snow and David.

"What is this suppose to do for us?"  Snow asked.

"Motivation."  Gold stated.

"So that's it you are not gonna help us find her?" Toby asked in anger.

"No."  Gold said flatly.

Toby lunged toward him but David stopped him.


Sorry for any errors...

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