Chapter 47

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Storybrooke. Present-day.
Storybrooke graveyard.

Mourners, including Emma, Rosalina, Toby, Snow, David, Regina, Robin Hood, Hook, Henry, and Belle attended Neal's funeral. Neal was laid to rest. Hook took up a shovel and scooped soil to bury Neal's coffin. Regina, Rosalina, Toby, David, and Belle followed Hook's example. Then Emma encouraged Henry to scoop soil on his father's coffin. Lastly, Emma herself took up a shovel.
Granny's Diner.
Neal's Wake was taking place

Rosalina saw that while everyone was mourning Henry felt out of place because he had no memories of his dad.

Rosalina sighed and sat opposite Henry in both.

"Hey." Rosalina greeted him.

"Hey," Henry replied.

"I know you probably feel out of place because you didn't know your dad. But I did. And I want to tell that he was a good person. And if you want to ask something about him. You can ask me."'Rosalina told him.

"How did you know him?" Henry asked.

"He was my best friend," Rosalina told him.

"Isn't he like as old as your dad?" Henry asked.

"Yeah, but I never got along with the majority of people my age. I guess I'm an old soul." Rosalina told him.

"Everyone keeps on telling me what a good person he was but all I know is what my mom told me my entire life. That he left and he's the reason she went to prison." Henry told her.

"Everyday, literally everyday he felt l
extremely guilty because what he did to your mom," Rosalina told him.

"How do you know?" Henry asked.

"He said it," Rosalina told him.

"Then why didn't he come back?" Henry asked.

Rosalina took a deep breath trying to think of a lie because he couldn't be told the truth.

"Shame, fear. I don't know. We can never really know what goes on in someone's head. But I can tell you this. He loved kids. And if he knew about you. He would have been there for you since day 1." Rosalina told him.

Henry smiled at the thought.

"Thank you."

"Anytime." Rosalina smiled.

Emma and Hook walked up to them.

"Henry, do you remember Killian?"  Emma asked

"Hello, Henry." Hook smiled.

"Hi." Henry greeted him.

"I was thinking maybe you guy can spend the day together while I work on your dad's case,"  Emma told him.

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