Chapter 20

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Archie Hopper's burial.

"Some of us knew him as Archie, others as Jiminy, but we all knew him as a true friend

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"Some of us knew him as Archie, others as Jiminy, but we all knew him as a true friend. And though he may now be gone he will always live on inside of us, reminding us to be our best selves. To do the right thing, to always fight for what we believe in. So we shouldn't think of today as a goodbye, just as a way of saying, Archie, we'll be listening." Snow did a speech.

"I'll miss you so much my friend. But at least you're in a better place."  Geppetto said crying.

Blanchard Loft.

Snow. David, Rosalina, Toby, Henry and Emma were inside.

Henry looked off into the distance.

"Hey, kid. Are you hungry? I managed to wrangle up a pop tart." Emma extended a plate towards him.

"No thanks," Henry mumbled.

Emma placed the plate on the bed next to him and walked away.

"Well, that went well," Emma said sarcastically.

"You're doing all you can do." Snow told her.

"That's what makes me feel awful,"  Emma told her.

The dwarves and Red came in.

"Father?" Toby questioned.

"Ladies, son. The dwarves have been thinking. We have to ask. When do we go back?" Grumpy questioned.

"Back. Where?" Emma asked.

"The Enchanted Forest. Our home."  Grumpy told him.

"You want to go back?'" Snow asked

"It's not like it was, trust me," Rosalina told him.

"And we fought really hard to get here,"  Emma told him.

"But with what Regina did to Archie, Storybrooke ain't as safe as we thought," Grumpy told him.

"We're going to find her. There are only so many places she can hide." Emma told him.

"We've dealt with her before, we'll do it again." Snow told him.

"But it's not just her. The curse is broken. There's a whole world full of people beyond the town line that don't know who or what we are. Ever think of what might happen if one of them were to come to pay us a visit."  Grumpy told him.

"He's right! What if they see, you know, magic? Like a girl turning into a wolf, for example. Folks weren't exactly understanding back in our world." Red spoke up.

"Okay, let's not worry about what-ifs. No one is here." Emma told them.

"Yet. Maybe they come, maybe they don't. But that doesn't change the fact that while we might enjoy things like penicillin, we're a bit homesick."  Grumpy told them.

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