Chapter 26

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Snow had killed Cora and was very upset.


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Storybrooke. Snow's apartment. Emma, Rosalina, and Henry were sitting at the table eating breakfast.

David came back from talking to Snow, who was lying on the bed.

"Anything?" Rosalina asked.

"She won't eat a bite," David told them.

Emma took a deep breath.

"What's wrong with her?" Henry asked.

"Nothing. She's just a little sick." Emma lied.

He looked at David, Rosalina and then Emma.

"You guys are lying to me, aren't you?" Henry asked upset.

"No one's lying," Emma told him.

"You are, just like you did about my dad," Henry told her.

"Henry, I...He's right. No more lying." Emma looked at her sister and father.

"Seriously?" Rosalina asked shocked.

"Emma-" David began.

"He deserves to know," Emma told them.

They sighed and nodded.

"Here's the thing, Henry. Cora's death... Mary Margaret was partially responsible for it, and that's why she's so upset." Emma told him.

"No, no, no, she couldn't." Henry shook his head.

Someone knocked on the door. David went to answer it.

"She was trying to protect us," Rosalina told him.

"But she's Snow White. She wouldn't hurt anybody." Henry shook his head.

David opened the door and outside was Rumplestilskin.

"Get out!" David hissed.

"I think you're gonna wanna hear what I have to say. For her sake." Rumplestiltskin pointed to Snow.

Emma, Rosalina, and Henry stood up.

"What are you talking about?" Emma asked.

"Regina. She's planning to strike back against your mother." Rumplestiltskin told her.

Oh no...Rosalina thought.

"What is she gonna do to her?" Henry asked.

"Oh, she didn't say," Rumplestiltskin told her.

"No, you don't get to come in here and just drop a bomb like that. You're gonna figure this out. And you're gonna help us." David told him.

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