Chapter 28

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Storybrooke. David drove Rosalina, Snow, and Emma. They got out of the car.

"Why are we in the middle of nowhere? Why aren't you guys telling me what's going on? Why the secrecy?" Emma asked

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"Why are we in the middle of nowhere? Why aren't you guys telling me what's going on? Why the secrecy?" Emma asked.   

"Because you need to see it," Rosalina told her.

"Great. That always goes well for me. Listen, whatever it is, it can wait. August was trying to warn me about something. Someone dangerous." Emma told them.

"Doesn't matter," David told her.

"Why not?" Emma asked.

"Because of this." Snow told her as they entered the cloaked fields of magic beans

"Emma." Anton smiled.

"Hey." Emma was shocked.

They hugged.

"Are you here to help? It's not quite harvesting time yet." Anton told her.

"Beans. You're growing magic beans. That's what you were up to when Rosy and I were in New York? How did you know about this?" Emma turned to Rosalina.

"Toby," Rosalina stated.

"Hey, babe." Toby smiled and came to them.

"Hey." Rosalina smiled.

"Wait you two-" Anton trailer off.

"Yup." Toby nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Emma asked ignoring Toby and Anton.

"We are telling you. We kept it a secret to protect the crop. Mother Superior, she cloaked the area. That way Anton can do what he does best." David told her.

"Actually, you haven't seen me play darts. But, yeah, I do this pretty good." Anton shrugged.

Toby chuckled.

"Um, Anton, don't take this the wrong way, but w-why-why are you so-"
Emma trailed off.

"Small? Cora. She and Regina brought some magic to make me human-sized. Kind of like it." Anton shrugged.

"Enough lollygagging! Back to it. Both of you." Grumpy snapped his fingers at his son and Anton.

Toby rolled his eyes.

"Tomorrow?" Toby asked since he barely saw Rosalina today.

"Tomorrow." Rosalina smiled.

"Wow. Dwarves really like to work. It's great to see you, Emma, "  with that Anton left.

"You too." Emma was still in shock.

"You want to use the beans to make a portal, to go back to The Enchanted Forest. That's the real reason you didn't tell me. What about Ogres and destruction and danger?" Emma asked turning to the three.

"We can fix all that. We did it before, we can do it again." David assured her.

"We can start over, Emma." Snow told her.

"So, you've changed your mind. You wanna go now, too?" Emma asked.

"Not my mind. My heart. After what I did to Cora, I think restoring our land is the best way to mend it." Snow told her while glancing at Rosalina.

"It'll be good for all of us, the whole family. Henry and you. We're from there. You're from there." Rosalina told her

"No, this world is.. my home," Emma told them.

"And it's been nothing but cruel to you. If we go back, I think you might be able to have your happy ending." David told her.

Emma stared at the crop field.


Toby was being very distant.

"I gotta go." Toby was about to leave.

"Toby.'" Rosalina called.

"Yeah." Toby turned around.

"Is everything ok? Between us?" Rosalina asked.

"Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be?" Toby asked.

"You're just...distant nowadays," Rosalina told him.

Toby didn't know what to tell her. Could he tell her about to beans?

"Where do you after we eat?" Rosalina asked.

"Do you not trust me?" Toby asked.

"Of course I trust you. I'm just...worried." Rosalina told him.

Toby dragged her outside Granny's.

"I'm gonna tell you something that very secretive," Toby whispered.

"Why are we whispering?" Rosalina said a whisper tone.

"Because it's secretive." Toby whispered in a 'duh' tone.

"Oh." Rosalina chuckled.

"My uncles, father and I are working on a Magic bean crop field," Toby whispered.

"Magic beans?"Rosalina questioned.

'We can go back home. To The Enchanted Forest. You clearly haven't forgotten about Neverland. But there you can. Everybody can start over." Toby told her.

Rosalina smiled then frowned confused.

"What?" Toby asked.

"Don't magic beans require a giant?" Rosalina asked.

"Oh, when you and Emma were in New York a giant came to town. He's now human size because of Cora and Regina." Toby told her.

"Woah, woah. Slow down."  Rosalina was confused.

Grumpy kept on calling Toby.

"It's my dad," Toby told her.

"Go." Rosalina smiled.

Toby quickly kissed her and left.

Rosalina watched Toby leave. She would love to start over in The Enchanted Forest. The place where she grew up. But she knows deep down that she could never forget Neverland. Ever...


David, Snow, and Rosalina drop the dwarves and Tiny at Granny's Diner, while they drive off.

"Sure you don't wanna grab some grub with us? Tiny's buyin'." Grumpy told them.

"I am?" Anton asked.

"New guy always buys," Toby told him. 

Rosalina chuckled.

"You guys go ahead. We're gonna... we're gonna head on home. See you tomorrow, " with that they drove off.

Sorry for any errors...

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