Chapter 10

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This chapter is going to be on how Toby and Rosalina fell in love.

Rosalina was now 16

Rosalina was now 16

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The Mines

Toby was going to see Princess Rosalina today. After a good amount of years. He had spent Grumpy and his mother separately of course because a fairy and a dwarf can never be together.

Even though he spent time with Grumpy he only saw Princess Rosalina twice when she was little. He wondered what she looked like now.

But that was the least of his worries right now. Right now he was standing guard in The Mines. Today was the day he would make his father proud and catch The Pixie Thief.

A masked thief that stole pixie dust from The Mines for a reason that nobody knew at all. So in everybody 's mind, that thief was a bad guy. A bad guy who could fight really well.

Toby was whistling away when he noticed someone taking pixie dust. He was shocked he didn't hear anyone come in. How did The Pixie Thief come in without him making any noise what so ever?

But this was his one chance. He jumped at The Pixie Thief.

He laughed.

"Let's see who you are." Toby took off a mask.

"You're-you're a girl." Toby was shocked. The Pixie Thief was a girl.

"Woman."She smirked and used her magic to get him off of her.

"You're a witch." He hissed.

She laughed.

"I'd like to consider myself as a girl blessed with rare magic."  She smirked.

"This is completely an unfair fight." He hissed.

"Let's make it fair then. I won't use magic." She smirked.

"Fine by me." He grabbed his axe.

"Seriously. Your gonna use an axe as a weapon." She laughed.

"You have no idea. What this axe is capable of." Toby smirked.

"Oh, I'm so scared." The girl laughed.

"Here."  She gave him her sword.

"Are you pitying me?" He asked.

"Perhaps." She smirked.

"Then what are you gonna use?" Toby asked.

She waved her bow and arrow at him.

They both took a step back ready to fight. Before Toby can even take a shot at that girl she used her bow and arrow to pin him at one corner of The Mines.

"Too easy." She laughed.

She went up to him.

"Next time leave the fighting to the pros." She whispered in his ear.

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