Chapter 39

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Emma, Neal, Rosalina, Hook, Tinkerbell, Toby, Snow and David were walking to Pan's compound

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Emma, Neal, Rosalina, Hook, Tinkerbell, Toby, Snow and David were walking to Pan's compound.

"Emma you need to talk to your sister." Toby walked up to Emma.

"What happened?" Emma asked.

"She's gonna stay with your parents here because David can't leave," Toby told her.

Emma looked shocked.

"-and you didn't know they were staying. I should shut up." Toby bowed his head.  

Rosalina saw that David was walking up to talk to Tinkerbell. She took this opportunity to go and talk to her mother.

"I'm staying with you two," Rosalina told her mom.

Snow looked shocked.

"Rosalina you need to go with all of them to Storybrooke." Snow told her.

"No, Emma is going to go back to Storybrooke with Henry because she's his mother and she loves him. I love you guys and I spent 28 years without you and dad. I am not going back to that lifestyle." Rosalina told her.

Before Snow could say anything Emma walked up to them.

"Looks like you and David buried the hatchet," Emma said to Snow.

"Buried? Uh, I don't know. We've at least put it away for now." Snow told her.

"So you two are really gonna stay here with him?" Emma asked.

"Emma-" Rosalina sighed.

"The thought of leaving you, Emma, it kills me. But there's nothing we can do. If David leaves the island, he'll die." Snow told her sadly.

 "So you're just giving up? Family means being together, all of us."  Emma snapped.

"But there's no other way." Rosalina sighed.

 "Maybe this is just this family's hope rubbing off on me, but I don't believe that. There's always a way." Emma told them.

They all heard someone coming from the bushes and positioned their weapons.

It turned out it was just Regina and Gold.

"Well, if this is your version of a rescue party, we got here just in time," Regina spoke up.

Everybody put their weapons away.

 "What are you two doing here?" Emma asked.

 "Well, same as you, except we actually have a chance. Pandora's box. It could trap Pan for eternity simply by opening the lid." Regina explained.

 "You didn't tell me my father was with her."'Neal told Emma as he glared at Gold.

"I didn't know," Emma told him.

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