Chapter 9

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Rosalina was currently pacing around in her cave with Bae sitting down, his head bowed in shame

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Rosalina was currently pacing around in her cave with Bae sitting down, his head bowed in shame.

"How can you and Hook do this to me!? I sacrificed myself for you two to be happy!" Rosalina yelled at him.

"I'm sorry. It's just I found out that my mother and him were together and I got angry." Balefire explained.

Rosalina just stared at him and didn't know what to say.

"You knew!" Bae stood up.

"You knew about my mother and Hook!" Bae yelled at her.

"Bae-" Rosalina began.

"Don't." Bae took one step back.

"Ok how about this I didn't tell you about your mother and Hook and you wasted my sacrifice. Can we just call it even and be friends now?" Rosalina asked him.

"Fine." Bae agreed.

"Good. Now you're staying here." Rosalina told him.

"Do you forgive Hook?" Bae asked.

"No, what's his reason for wasting my sacrifice. Revenge? I hate Hook." Rosalina told him.

Rosalina was walking on the island jungle when she saw Hook and Tink sharing rum.

She gave Hook a warning shot with her bow.

"That was a warning shot." Rosalina's voice came from behind and she came out.

"Princess?" Hook questioned.

"Shut up! You son of a bitch how could you do this me! I sacrificed myself for you to be happy! For you to let go of your revenge and you waste it! Do you even know how severely Pan tortured me! No! Because all you care about is yourself! You're just a vengeful pirate asshole!' Rosalina yelled.

She now crying.

"Princess-" Hook began.

"Don't call me princess! Never call me princess again! I hate you! I wish you were dead!" Rosalina ran away to her cave crying. That was the day Neverland's best friends become sworn enemies.

The Cave

Rosalina was crying.

"What's wrong?" Bae asked worriedly.

"I saw Hook." She told him.

"Oh my..." Bae wrapped his arms around Rosalina. She cried in his chest for a very long time.

As time passed Rosalina and Bae became close. Rosalina told him about her family and he told her about his. As years passed They both started losing hope. Rosalina stopped counting the days she in Neverland. Pan was even done with absorbing her magic, He was now immortal. Rosalina was currently destroying everything in the cave.

'Rosy what's wrong? Calm down!' Bae demanded.

"He did it! He absorbed all my magic Aha!" She began destroying the place again.

"Ok, Ok Stop!" Bae held her hands forcing her to stop.

"Without my magic Bae, I'm nothing! I'm just a useless princess!" She yelled.

"Don't say that! Rosalina you are so much more than just a girl who has magic! You told me you were once the pixie thief! You are the best at bow and arrow at camp! You are a beautiful human being!" Baelfire told her.

They stared at each other leaned in and



But it felt wrong. For Rosalina, it didn't feel like Toby at all. It felt like kissing your brother.

Same with Bae it felt like kissing your sister.

"Nothing." They told each other.

"I'm just glad we got that out of our system.' Rosalina told him.

'Yeah.' Bae nodded.

They heard slow clapping and turned around and saw Pan.

'What do you want?' Rosalina hissed.

'I just came here to tell you that now that I've absorbed all your magic. I don't need you anymore. So you can go.' He snapped his fingers.

Rosalina was back in the Enchanted Forest...


Rosalina was walking to her castle. She went inside and saw everything destroyed. She didn't know what to do. 


She thought she heard someone coming and got her bow, ready to shoot.

"Who goes there!" She yelled.

"Who are you?" A knight popped out of nowhere.

"Who are you?" A person repeated the question to him.

"I asked first." He told her.

"Well I'm the princess of this castle and you answer me," Rosalina told him.

"Princess Rosalina?" He questioned.

"How do you know my name?" She asked him.

He took off his helmet.

"I knew your parents. My name is Lancelot." He smiled at her.

The next chapter is going to be on Toby and Rosalina and how they fell in love.

Sorry for any errors...

Also, I made one change. Rosalina does have but the same magic as before.

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