Chapter 3

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The Enchanted Forest

Snow White and Rosalina made their way to Geppetto's Workshop, where a fallen Prince Charming laid

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Snow White and Rosalina made their way to Geppetto's Workshop, where a fallen Prince Charming laid.

"No. No. No!" Snow shouted seeing him covered in blood.

"Daddy!" Rosalina cried.

"Please. Please come back to us!"  Snow cried while cradling his head in her lap.
She kissed him; nothing happened. She tried again; still nothing.

They both cried.

"Oh, don't worry, dearies. In a few moments, you won't remember you two knew him, let alone loved him." The Evil Queen entered with a smirk on her face.

"Why did you do this?" Rosalina cried.

"Because this is my happy ending. And as for you my dear I will absorb every ounce of your magic." Regina smiled.

Two soldiers entered the room and The Queen addresses them

"The child?" She asked them.

"It was in the wardrobe, and then it was gone. It's nowhere to be found."  The guard told her.

"Where is she?" Regina asked Snow.

"She got away. You're going to lose. I know that now. Good will always win." Snow said happily.

"We'll see about that." Regina evilly laughed.

Just then Pan flew in and grabbed Rosalina.

"What are you doing here?" The Queen asked venomously.

"You might soon have everybody else under your curse but she's coming with me," Pan smirked.

"No!" Snow tried to fight him but she was no match for his magic.

"Mother!" Rosalina cried for help as Pan picked her up in a bridal style and flew out of the castle.

Regina was too happy about what was about to happen to care about Rosalina at the moment. The ceiling cracked and the air began to darken and swirl.

"Where are we going?" Snow asked

"Somewhere horrible." Regina smiled.

A window shatters inwards and the Curse floods inside the room.

"Absolutely horrible. A place where the only happy ending will be mine." She finished.

The shards of glass from the window are suspended in midair.
Outside the Castle (while flying)

"Rosy!" Toby screamed as he saw her with Pan.

"Toby! Help!" She screamed.

But Toby was no match for Pan's magic.

"I will find you! I will always find you!" He yelled as they flew away.

"Where are you taking me?" Rosalina asked frightened.

"Neverland!" Pan smirked.

They were able to leave the Enchanted Forest before everything in that land got engulfed by purple smoke.

Sorry for any errors...

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