Chapter 5

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It had been a month since Rosalina had been in Neverland

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It had been a month since Rosalina had been in Neverland. She was sick of Pan. He would absorb her magic which obviously gave her pain but he also use to beat her when she broke his rules, which she did very often.

One day she saw an opportunity to escape and she did. She swam in the hopes to find a destination away from Pan.

Soon a net came and captured her. She tried to free herself but she couldn't. She came on a ship.

"Wh-who a-are you?" She stuttered as she saw a tall dark haired man flashing a light at her.

"Captain Hook, welcome aboard the Jolly Roger lass." Hook smirked.

"Captain she's his lost girl,"  Smee told him.

Hook smirked. He had heard stories about Pan's lost girl. She was a princess who had magic, every villain wanted, even Hook.

"Tie her down boys! Take her to the room! We're going to have some fun!"  He shouted.

They took her to the room and tied her down. she tried to fight them but she couldn't.

"She's a fierce one captain."  A crew member, who now had a black eye  told him.

"I'll be the judge of that." He snapped at him and entered the room.

He removed the rag from her mouth.

"Hello lost girl." He smirked.

"You've heard of me haven't you son of a bitch?" She asked.

"Indeed I have, you have magic." He smirked.

"Look if you want to absorb it you can't. Pan already is. So unless Pan dies you can't absorb anything." She told him.

"Hmm. Then I'm afraid you are of no use to me. Untie her and make her walk the plank." He ordered Smee.

"No! No! Please! I could be useful!" She shouted before they took her to the plank.

Hook stopped his crew.

"Do you know how to sail?" He asked her.

She weakly shook her head scared of what was about to come.

"Then again, you're of no use to me." He said as the crew took her over the plank.

"But you can teach me!" She shouted.

"Bring her here." The Captain ordered.

Smee shoved her off the plank and on to the ship as ordered by The Captain. She was now looking at his feet.

"And why would I do that?" He whispered in a deep voice. This made Rose shake in fear.

"Pl-please. Pan is a monster. He not only absorbs my magic but he also beats me. Please." She begged as her eyes became full of tears.

Hook knew that look in her eyes. It was the look Milah gave him when she asked to run away with him. But this girl wasn't looking for love. She was looking for protection.

"Take her to the room. Don't tie her." He ordered Smee who did as told.

After a little while he entered the room. He motioned Smee to leave.

He took out his rum and took a swing.

"What's your name?" He asked her.

"Rosalina." She looked directly in his eyes. Being abused and trained by Pan made stronger then she use to be.

"You have guts, looking directly into my eyes, daring." Hook told her.

"Let's just say Neverland has made me a new person." She gave him a sarcastic smile.

"You're serious about living a pirate life? It's not luxurious princess." He told her.

"Neither is life with Pan." She replied.

"Well, then it's a pirate life for you." He smirked and threw her a blanket.

"Rum?" He asked her.

She took a swing at it.

"Ew! What is this medicine?" She asked in disgust.

Hook just chuckled and left the room.
Sorry for any errors...


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