Chapter 13

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The Enchanted Forest.
Three riders approached the castle. Inside, Prince Phillip cut through the thorns surrounding the bier on which Aurora slumbered.

Prince Phillip approached the bier and just before kissing Aurora, spoke to his travelling companions.

"If this works, we don't tell her everything. Not right away." He told them.

The companions nodded. Phillip kissed Aurora, a burst of True Love springs forth, and Princess Aurora awakened.

"Phillip?" Aurora questioned.

"Yes, Aurora." Phillip smiled.

"I told you not to come after me."  She jokingly scolded him and they kissed.

Phillip's companions walked away awkwardly and Aurora sat up, looking around.

Phillip and Aurora were talking to each other when one Phillip's companion walked purposefully to an entryway, dragging the other along. She laid a hand on the ground, which trembled.

"What's wrong?" The other companion questioned.

That companion felt the ground and it trembled more.

One drew a sword and another grabbed he bow and arrow. A creature burst up through the floor, knocking them back.

Phillip rushed up to the creature, swinging his sword at it.

"Phillip!" Aurora yelled still at the near bier

Phillip slashed at the creature, cutting off an amulet, which fell to the ground. The creature shrieked and flew off.

Phillip, bare-handed, picked up the amulet.

"What was that thing?"  Aurora questioned.

"Something bad," Phillip told her.

The companions walked about to them.

"Qui Shen." One companion spoke up.

Phillip put the amulet into a purse at his side.

"It's a Wraith." The other companion spoke up.

"I'm sorry, who are they?" Aurora asked Phillip.

The companions removed their helmets, revealing their faces.

"Friends." Phillip smiled.

"You're girls?" Aurora questioned.

"Women." They both said in unions.

"My name is Mulan, "Mulan told her.

"My name is Rosalina," Rosalina told her

"In your absence, they have helped me like no other. We've fought many battles together." Phillip told Aurora.

"With women?" Aurora questioned.

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