Chapter 34

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Neverland. Present day. David, Emma, Hook, Snow, Toby, Regina and Rosalina range the woods searching for Henry as they walk single file. Mary Margaret leading the way.

"Something's going on with dad," Rosalina whispered to Toby as she began noticing the David was getting extremely tired.

"Really? I didn't notice." Toby shook his head.

He lied, Rosalina could tell.

"You know something." Rosalina looked at him.

"No, I don't." He avoided eye contact.

Lie again.

"How much further?" Regina asked looking around.

"We should be getting closer. Pan's there." Emma pointed to the map.

They were catching up with David and Snow. They were on a straight line course.

"Son of a bitch! How is it now behind us?" Emma soon questioned.

"How can that be?" Snow asked confused.

"You got us lost." Regina snapped.

"No, she didn't. It's the camp. Pan's moving it." Hook was holding lamp against the map.

"Of course he is." Rosalina sighed.

"He's playing tricks with us." David looked pissed.

"If Pan's camp keeps moving how are we ever gonna find Henry?" Emma questioned.


Neverland. Present day.

"So, this whole track has been for nothing?" Emma asked.

"I told you walking was idiotic. I suggest using magic. We can materialize in the camp and grab Henry." Regina snapped.

"We don't know where the camp is. Have you even been listening?" Snow asked.

"Pan will have shields against magic, I fear. Such an attempt would end in your death and more importantly, mine. That's why we are walking." Hook snapped.

"Well then, what's your idea? How are we going to find it?" Regina asked.

Tink... All I have to do is make her believe in herself again...Rosalina thought.

"By using someone he trusts." Rosalina realized.

"Who? Cause I guess, he certainly doesn't trust you or Hook." David told her.

"Wait you don't mean-" Hook began.

"I do. You and I both know she's our best chance." Rosalina told him.

"Who are you two talking about?" Emma asked.

"A fairy who lived here when I was about. She might still be on the island. She'd be an inside source, knows all about the camp, can get us in. She might even have some pixie dust left. Perhaps we could fly in." Hook informed.

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