Chapter 18

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The Enchanted Forest
Rumplestiltskin's cell.    


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"Huh. Rumplestiltskin's cell. I haven't been here since before Regina's curse. This is where he told us you were going to be the saviour." Snow told Emma.

"He knew?" Emma asked.

"Oh, it was prophesized. Come on."  Snow told her.

They all began searching.

"The squid's not here." Aurora spoke up.

"Gold said we would find it." Snow told her.

"Well, was there anyone else in here with him? Could they have taken the ink?" Mulan asked.

"No, he was kept alone. Visitors were forbidden. He was too dangerous to allow any human contact." Snow told her.

"How'd he keep from going crazy?"  Emma asked.

"He didn't." Aurora was holding an item.

"What is it?" Rosalina asked.

"Is that a message?" Emma asked.

"Yes. And I think it's for you two."  Aurora told Rosalina and Emma.

"Why would you think that?"  Emma asked.

Aurora held out a scroll with Emma's and Rosalina's name written on it. Over and over again

The Enchanted Forest
Rumplestiltskin's cell

Emma and Rosalina were staring at the parchment with their names on it.

"What does this even mean?"  Rosalina asked.

"He was obsessed with you two. Emma. You were the key to breaking the curse and Rosalina you were the first product of true love."  Snow explained.

"We've looked everywhere. There's no ink in this cell." Aurora told them.

"Well, it has to be. He told David."  Snow told her.

"You were in a Netherworld. Maybe something got lost in translation."  Emma told her.

"No. She heard right." Mulan spoke up.

"You found it?" Snow asked.

"In a manner of speaking. There was ink in the cell." Mulan told them.
as she showed them an empty bottle of ink.

"Son of a bitch," Emma mumbled

Aurora threw a rock and the next thing you know the cell closed.

"Aurora, what are you doing?!"  Emma was confused

Cora and Hook arrived.

"Helping me."  Cora magically collected the compass.

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