Chapter 48

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Present Day Storybrooke

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Present Day

David and Emma were trying to make the baby crib while Snow and Rosalina were watching them with bored expressions.

"I've seen enemy battle plans that were easier to decode than this," David said while looking at the instruction.

"Let me see," Emma told him.

David gave her the instructions.

"All right, it says 'take screws E with washers D through bar C using wrench F, which is...not provided'."  Emma sighed.

"Why don't you just call Marco? He's really good at this sort of thing." Snow told them.

"No!" Emma and David said in unions.

"We're fine," David told her.

"You know if I still had magic. I could fix this in a second." Rosalina said bitterly.

"Life without magical powers is not bad. You lived it."  Emma told her.

"Yeah, and it sucked," Rosalina told her.

"No, it didn't." Emma shook her head.

"Easy for you to say, you have powers and you don't even use them." Rosalina scoffed.

"Should we even be doing this? Ever since the showdown between Regina and The Wicked Witch, we haven't seen Zelena or Gold at all. Shouldn't we be focusing on her next move?" Snow asked.

"We are. We just can't stop living." Emma told her.

"And this crib is a statement," David told her.

"And that statement is what? That we Charmings suck at building things?" Rosalina asked sarcastically.

"That we're not gonna lose another baby." David gave her an annoyed look.

Just then Regina came.

"And, thanks to me, you won't. I'm finished." Regina said as she began putting her potions away.

"So? Did it work? Were you able to put up a new protection spell?" David asked.

"One that can't be undone by blood magic, which means Zelena won't be able to put her hands on that baby," Regina told them.

Snow took a deep breath relaxed.

"Any idea why she would want to?" Snow asked.

"The number of spells involving baby parts would surprise you," Regina told her.

Snow looks very disturbed.

"Don't tell her that. Now she's gonna get more stressed." Rosalina told Regina.

Regina rolled her eyes.

"That greenie is clearly one twisted witch. But as long as we're in here, we're safe." Regina told them.

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