Chapter 25

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The sea, somewhere between New York City and Storybrooke

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The sea, somewhere between New York City and Storybrooke. Henry was steering the Jolly Roger. Rosalina was standing on the edge.     

She was thinking that she still didn't tell Toby that she kissed Baelfire a long time ago.

"Do you still have nightmares?" Baelfire asked.

Rosalina just stared at him.

"I do. It's been so many years and I have perception drugs but I still have bad dreams." Baelfire told her.

"What Pan did to you and Pan did to me are two completely different things," Rosalina told him looking at the sky.

"I know." Baelfire nodded.

"And plus you should be more worried about your father's survival than my nightmares." Rosalina told him still not looking at him.

Storybrooke Harbor. Emma, Rosalina Baelfire, Rumplestiltskin and Henry arrived in Storybrooke. Red, Toby, David and Snow were helping  Rumplestilskin onto David's truck.

"I'm glad you're back." Toby smiled at Rosalina.

"Me too." Rosalina smiled.

"Are you okay?" Snow asked.

"Yeah, yeah. We're all right." Emma told her.

"Uh, I drove a ship," Henry spoke up.

"Did you, now?" David asked.

'Yeah, my dad showed me how.' Henry told him.

'That's me.' Baelfire spoke up.

'Oh, so you're Baelfire?' Toby asked.

"Yeah, and you are?" Bae asked.

Rosalina began taking deep breaths.

"Toby." Toby extended his hand.

"Oh, so this is Toby," Baelfire smirked and shook his hand.

"Yes wonderful my boyfriend meeting one of my very old friends." Rosalina twirled her hair nervously.

"Let's go save Rumplestiltskin." Rosalina took a deep breath.

Toby and Baelfire looked at her weirdly.

"Thank you. Thank you." Rumplestiltskin thanked David.

"Is Cora trying to control you with the dagger?" David asked.

"Well, you'd know if she was because most of you would be dead by now," Rumplestiltskin told him.

"Well, then, we'll just have to take the fight to her before that can happen." Snow told him.

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