Chapter 4

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"Boys lets play!" Pan shouted as the lost boys surrounded Rosalina. She began to shiver in fear. Next thing she knew she got knocked over the head by something.

When she gained consciousness, she opened her eyes and saw a smirking Pan.

"You back away from me demon!" She shouted and took two steps back.

"Welcome to Neverland!" He smirked.

"Take me back home! I order you!" She shouted since she was a princess was she used people following her orders.

The lost boys laughed.

"You see Princess, this isn't your kingdom. Around here I'm the king and your just another pawn in my game. I will absorb your magic and then I will find the truest believer. After that, I will be immortal." He smirked.

"You'll never get away with this, good will always win! My family will find me. Even if it takes them 28 years they will find me. That's what we do. We find each other." She said with energy and pride.

"Perhaps you do. But you see, nobody can enter or leave Neverland without my permission. And Peter Pan never fails, " with that, he walked away.

"Felix take her to her tent,"   Pan ordered.

With that Felix carried her to her new tent. She tried to get out of his grasp but she couldn't.

Sorry for any errors...


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