Chapter 11

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"I can't believe that you are The Pixie Thief

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"I can't believe that you are The Pixie Thief." Toby smiled.

"Wait why are you the....!" Toby was now yelling.

"Shhhhhh." Rosalina put a hand over his mouth.

"I promise there is a perfectly logical explanation if you let me explain," Rosalina whispered.

He nodded.

"Why are you The Pixie Thief? You're a Princess. My father and his brothers trust you and your parents. Do they know? Do your parents know?" Toby kept on asking questions in a whisper tone.

"No. Nobody knows except you know because you saw my face." Rosalina told him.

Toby took a deep breath and ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Now will you please let me explain the reason why I'm The Pixie Thief?" Rosalina asked.

"This better be good," Toby told her.

"I have magic. I can see the future. On the night of my 13th birthday. I had a dream. A day's gonna come when my parents will have to build a magical wardrobe. For that wardrobe, we will need pixie dust. Everything will happen in such a rush that there will be no time to go to The Mines and get a fair amount. I'm stealing so it is easier for all of us on that day." Rosalina explained.

"Why would they want to build a magic wardrobe?" Toby asked.

"Only so much can be revealed in a dream but its something to do with the betterment of everybody's future," Rosalina told him.

"So your stealing for the betterment of everybody's future?" Toby asked.

"Yeah." Rosalina nodded.

"Then why won't you tell your parents that. They'll understand." Toby told her.

"No, they won't," Rosalina told him.

"Why not?" Toby asked.

"My parents don't let me go anywhere without my guards or them," Rosalina told him.

"Isn't that normal for every princess," Toby said it like it is the most obvious thing in the world.

"You don't understand. Apparently, I have rare magic that every villain in all the realms wants. My father doesn't want me to go anywhere. I understand his concern but I'm trapped. I hate it." Rosalina told him.

"Why don't just sneak out like any other teenager, "Toby told her.

"Because I'd tried doing that once and The Evil Queen tried to capture me. Plus being The Pixie Thief is my chance to be a hero. My chance to show that I can fight for myself. When I'm The Pixie Thief I feel invincible. " Rosalina smiled.

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