Chapter 35

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Neverland. Present. Emma was explaining the plan on the sand.

"This is where they're keeping Henry. Pan's compound. According to, uh-"  Emma awkwardly pointed to Tinkerbell.

"Tinkerbell." Tinkerbell nodded.

"Yes, I know. Still weird to say." Emma told her.

" 'Tink' is fine."  Tinkerbell shrugged.

"Not sure that's any better. Anyway, she says that there are sentries positioned across the front, which is why we are gonna come in through the back entrance here. She's gonna talk her way in. Once she makes sure the coast is clear, then we are going to sneak on in."  Emma instructed.

"You'll still have to deal with any Lost Boys once you're inside," Tinkerbell told them

'I think we can handle a few children with pointy sticks." Regina sassed.

"It's not the sticks you need to worry about. It's the poison they're dipped in." Tinkerbell told them.

Toby, Hook, and David made eye contact.

"Dreamshade. Rosy and Hook warned us."' Snow nodded.

'Good. Because one nick, and you'll spend the last of-"  Tinkerbell began.

"Poison sticks equal death. We got it. Now when can we put this rescue mission into action?" David snapped.

"I'm ready to go, just as you tell me the exit plan." Tinkerbell nodded.

Everybody shared an awkward glance.

'About that-" Rosalina began.

"You do have an escape plan, don't you?" Tinkerbell asked.

"It's-it's more of a last-minute trip," Emma told her.

"If you don't have a way off this island, then none of this matters," Tinkerbell told them.

"You think he's gonna magically poof you out of here like last time? He won't be that generous this time. You know how long he's been searching for the truest believer." Tinkerbell snapped at Rosalina.

"Wait a minute, Henry's the...that why he wanted him." Rosalina sighed.

"What? What is it?" Regina asked abruptly.

"Pan always said once he was done with me. He would find the truest believer and after that, he would be immortal. He wouldn't tell me what he would do to the boy. But its a lot worse then what he did to me." Rosalina told them worried.

Everybody took a deep breath trying to sink in the new information.

"We'll figure it out." Regina faced Tinkerbell.

"You'll figure it out?" Tinkerbell mocked her.

"No one comes and goes from this place unless he allows it. This is a waste of time." Tinkerbell snapped.

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