Chapter 6

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The Next Day

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The Next Day

"Get up." Hook threw a pillow on her face.

"Ahh...What?" Rosalina asked while getting up.

"If you're going to live on this ship, you need to learn how to sail. I do not wanna carry dead weight." Hook told her.


On Deck

"Once you know your bearings it's quite easy, the left side is called 'port' and the right side is called  'starboard'."  Hook informed her.

She nodded understanding.

"Now move 3 notches starboard."  He told her.

She did as told.

"Did I do it right?" She asked.

He simply just nodded.

"You don't speak much do you?" She asked.

"I speak when needed to." He told her.

"You spoke right now." She told him.

"Shut up!" He snapped at her.

Then Hook could sense somebody coming in his ship.

"Go below deck." He commanded Rosalina.

She did as told.

The lost boys came on his ship.

"Do you know who we are?'  Fliex asked Hook.

"You're the lost ones you work for him." Hook said in disgust.

"We're looking for his lost girl, I'm sure you've heard stories?" Flex asked.

"I have." Hook said.

"She was seen adrift nearby," Flex told him.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to send you back disappointed. There is no one here but me and my crew."  Hook smirked.

"Then you won't mind us searching?"  Flex asked.

"Be my guest." Hook gestured his hook toward the ship.

They searched everywhere...or so they thought

"Told you no girl here."  Hook told them.

"You're new here, so I must warn you. You know what he does to people who lie to him?" Felix asked.

"No, but I gather it hurts?" Hook said in a questioning tone.

"It does. He rips your shadow from you. R-r-r-rip. If you find her. You know to whom she belongs to. Goodbye Captain." Felix said as the lost boys left the ship.

Rosalina came out.

"Yo-you saved me." She said in shock.

"Don't mention it." Hook said.

"Why?" She asked.

"I don't know myself, no more questions." He commanded.

"Oh my god! You actually like me! I'm not dead weight anymore!" She exclaimed happily

"Don't get cheeky with me I don't like cheeky people." Hook told her.

After that, she remained silent.

Next Hook taught her how to navigate and read stars.

Months later...

Hook began to trust Rosalina, but he didn't know why. He told her all about his life before a pirate, his brother Liam, their father leaving them, Milah, The Dark One and his revenge.

Rosalina understood. Or at least she thought she did. She and Hook grew close as time passed.

"So tell me, princess, what's your story?" Hook asked.

"My story?" She asked.

He nodded.

"Pan took me away from my family before the curse came. Been in Neverland ever since." She told him.

"Ah yes, The Dark Curse. I might go to Mistheaven in a year or two and when the curse breaks I'm gonna go to that land and get my revenge I can take you with me if you want?" Hook asked.

"Really?" She asked eagerly.

"As much as I hate to admit it, Ivegrownfondofyou." He said the last words in a mumble.

"What?" She asked happily, her hand behind her ear. Indicating him to say it again.

"Ivegrownfondofyou."He mumbled again.

"What?" She did the same thing again.

"I'VE GROWN  FOND  OF YOU!" He yelled.

The entire crew stared at them.

"Get back to work!" Hook snapped at them.

They did as told and Rosalina giggled.

"You're like a little sister, wanna be my second in command?"Hook asked

"I'd be honoured." She smiled.    

Sorry for any errors... 

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