Chapter 46

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Emma knocked on the Granny's door

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Emma knocked on the Granny's door. Emma entered. There is a meeting. Everyone was waiting for her. David, Snow, Rosalina, Hook, Toby, and Regina.

"If you want privacy, talk fast. We open in 20, and no one gets between Leroy and his bacon." Granny told them.

"30 actually, I turned off his alarm," Toby told everyone.

"Is there any sign of our quarry?" Hook asked.

 "I went all over that farmhouse and the land around it...Nothing." Emma told them.

"Well, now that the sun's up, we should hit every place Gold might go. His house, shop, his cabin." David listed.

"Cause dead men love vacation homes," Emma said sarcastically

"Can someone explain to me how this is even possible? We all saw Gold. He-" Emma trailed off.

"Disappeared into nothingness. I know." Snow nodded.

"I honestly am not surprised. He's the king of loopholes."  Rosalina told them.

"The question is what was the loophole?" Toby asked.

"I might have an inkling." Hook spoke up.

Everyone looked at Hook.

"When we went back to The Enchanted Forest, Neal was talking about the possibility of getting his father back." Hook explained.

"What? How?" David asked confused. 

"He didn't know how. He just-He missed his family." Hook told them.

Emma looked down sad.

"And he was desperate to find a way to return to this world. He believed that bringing his father back was the key." Hook explained.

"Well, if that was his plan, then obviously something went wrong because while Gold might be alive and kicking, Neal is-He's-We don't know what he is. We don't even know if he made it back to Storybrooke. No one's seen him since this new curse." Emma said confused.

"He's out there somewhere," David told her.

"Yeah but in what condition? Resurrection is very serious magic. There is always a steep price."  Rosalina told them.

"So you're saying is Neal is paying the price for bringing Gold back?" Emma asked.

"Maybe." Rosalina shrugged.

"What is the price?" Toby asked.

"Every situation is different," Rosalina told him.

"With all due respect, we have bigger issues right now than who brought Gold back. The fact that he was in The Wicked Witch's basement, for one. I want to know what the hell she was cooking up with him." Regina told them.

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