Chapter 36

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The Cave

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The Cave

Everybody was looking around. Rosalina saw that Hook and Emma were looking at the markings she made when she was alone in Neverland.

"What is it?" Rosalina asked trying to act clueless.

"It appears Neal marked his days trapped on this island." Hook told her.

I was the one marking the days... Rosalina thought.

"What's wrong?" Snow approached them.

"Look here. Neal stopped counting." Emma pointed to where there, not a marking.

"Cause he got off the island." Snow said.

"He was here longer," Emma mumbled.

"Then why would he-" David began.

"Because he lost hope." Emma cut him off.

"You got that from scribbles?" Regina sassed.

"I got that because it's what I did every time I went to a new foster home. I counted days until counting seemed pointless." Emma told her.

Regina's eyes softened.

"You think the same thing's happening to Henry?" Toby asked.

"Pan said that it would." Emma nodded.

"Hey, we're gonna rescue him." David tried to comfort her.

"Yeah, I know that and you know that, but Henry doesn't know that. Pan wants him to lose faith." Emma snapped.

"So what, you want to send him a message? Because I haven't seen a Neverland post office. What are you suggesting?" Regina asked.

"We take a page from Pan and we start being clever. We need to send a simple sign, a sign that we're coming." Emma told her.

"Yeah, with Lost Boys running around, trying to kill us all?" Regina snapped.

"Yeah, maybe it's time we used that to our advantage. " Snow told her.

"How?" Regina asked.

"Follow me. I'll show you, " with that Snow left the cave and soon everyone followed.


The group was setting a trap

"A trap? That's your plan?" Regina asked.

"The Lost Boys wanna come after us, we need to go after them." Snow explained.

"You really think a Lost Boy is gonna betray Pan?' Hook asked.

"Thanks for the advice." Rosalina sassed.

"David?"  Snow called.

"Yeah?" David asked.

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