Chapter 33

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Neverland. Present. David, Toby, Emma, Hook, Snow, Rosalina and Regina trek through the jungle.

"The ridge is just a few hundred paces up ahead." Hook told all of them.

"You really think we're gonna be able to see Pan's hideout?" Emma asked.

"From there, we should be able to see everything including where he's keeping your son." Hook told her.

"You know, I could have just poofed us up here in an instant." Regina snapped.

"Oh yeah! Where were you going to poof us huh? Do you have any idea what's up there or anywhere in this land? There are dangers everywhere. I hate to say this but only Hook and I can guide you past them." Rosalina snapped.

Regina, Toby, Emma, and her parents were all taken back by her outburst.

"She's right. Hook and Rosy have lived here before. If they say hiking up is the best way, then we listen." Emma told her.

They all walked ahead.

David was cutting down branches blocking their pathway. He saw a patch of thorns and moved to slash them.

"No, " Hook stopped him.

He tried slashing them again.

Rosalina got a view of the bushes.

"Dad he's right. Don't!" Rosalina yelled.

David glared at Hook and then looked softly at Rosalina.

"I can handle a couple of thorns," David told her daughter softly.

"Those are not just any thorns. That's dreamshade, poison." Rosalina told him.

"This plant is the source of the toxins I used on The Dark One." Hook informed.

"The poison that almost killed Gold?" Emma asked.

"Indeed. I used a concentrated dose. In its natural form, death would be much slower and far more painful. I suggest we go this way." Hook pointed to his left.

"Rosalina?" David asked her daughter for her input.

"Well that is a short cut dad," Rosalina told him.

"Is there any other way?"David asked.

Rosalina pointed in the other direction.

"We'll go this way." David went the other direction Rosalina pointed. Everybody else soon followed.

The reach the edge of a cliff.

"Up here! We made it!" Rosalina yelled.

Emma and Hook soon came up.

"Pan's lair should be just right-" Hook began.

"Where? All I see is a jungle." Regina told him.

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