Chapter 50

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The Enchanted Forest
The Castle
Regina, Rosalina, Snow, David, Phillip, and Aurora all were discussing something.

"You've gathered the entire kingdom for this? There's a Wicked Witch out there just waiting to pounce. And pretending otherwise would be dangerous," Regina snapped.

"There's nothing dangerous about rallying our people," Snow argued.

"You're announcing you're pregnant. It's not like you invented the wheel," Regina said sarcastically.

"I agree with her. You're basically announcing to The Wicked Witch that's there's more of us to harm," Rosalina told her parents.

Just then a hooded mysterious person came towards them.

"Who are you?" Rosalina asked alarmed.

The person removed the hood and was revealed to be Belle.

"Belle!" Snow exclaimed.

"Are you okay? When you and Neal disappeared, we feared the worst," David said worriedly.

"We went off to see if we could revive The Dark One," Belle told them.

"What happened?" Rosalina asked.

"Neal was able to resurrect him at the cost of his own life," Belle sighed.

"Rumple's alive," Regina smirked.

"And Bae's dead!" Rosalina yelled shocked.

"I think so," Belle said.

"To which?" Regina asked.

"Both? You see, when Rumple saw that Neal was dying, he absorbed him," Belle formed.

"So he's not dead. He and Rumplestilkin are just one person now?" Rosalina asked.

Belle nodded.

"Well, that's not so bad," Rosalina shrugged.

"There's more," Belle added.

Everyone turned to her.

"Uh, Zelena got ahold of the dagger. Now she controls Rumple," Belle told them.

Rosalina sighed.

Regina looked annoyed.

Snow and David looked concerned.

"Maybe now isn't the time to announce the pregnancy. Regina is right. It's too dangerous," Aurora stepped up.

"No, if we don't, we give in to fear. But if we do, we give the kingdom what they need. Hope," Snow argued.

"We don't even know what this Wicked Witch wants" David supported Snow.

There was a moment of silence.

"Actually, we do," Aurora spoke up.

Everyone turned to her.

"She wants your baby and Rosalina, she wants your magic," Aurora told them.

"What?" Rosalina questioned confused.

"She came to us when you were gone, threatened us and our unborn child unless we told her when you arrived in our land," Phillip stepped up.

"She thinks your baby could be important. I'm so sorry. She said she'd hurt us," Aurora looked very guilty.

Just then Zalena flew on her broom.

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