First Impressions

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I walked into my new school. Well I already had friends there but whatever it was still new. "KIRSTEN" I heard someone yell out. As I turned I saw a girl with flowing red hair and sparkling blue eyes, my best friend Emily.

  "EMY!" I yelled in returned.  Heads turned to see me run to my best friend. "Hun I've missed you too much!"

    "I know babes it's been toooo long! Like years" She exaggerated. I laughed since I had just seen her yesterday. We both began to head towards the lockers, I grabbed my stuff for my next couple classes and we headed off. Thankfully when the principal found out we knew each other he lined up my schedule with Emily's so she is my tour guide. We walked into our first class, science. I groaned I hated science, I was never good at it. If I wasn't going to do something in chemistry why did I need to know it like, teach it to the kids in college or have them sign up I don't need to know this. Emily sat down to the left of me and motioned for me to sit die on the right side of her, I shook my head. I don't like sitting on that side and she knew that so I was a little confused. I shook it off and sat on the other side of her. "Kirsty Hun don't sit there that's where Alex sits." She exclaimed in a worry tone.

"Who is Alex and why should I care. What's the worst they are going to do? Tell the teacher on me what will I do oh no!" I sarcastically gasped and gave her an annoyed look.
She shook her head but whispered, "Don't blame me then!"

"Whatever" I mumbled. She sighed but eventually began to talk to me about everything. She told me about the school explained the basic groups, the popular female dogs, the Players, the nerds, and was just about to continue when a group of guys loudly busted through the door startling the class. Unfortunately the teacher wasn't in yet because I would have loved to see them get told off. I motioned for Emily to continue to talk but she froze momentarily. I snapped my fingers in front of her face like a good friend but she didn't respond. I rolled my eyes but noticed her looking straight behind me.

"Sweetheart your in my seat." A deep voice rumbled behind me. I slowly turned around and raised my eyebrow at him. He had brown hair and piercing bright green eyes, he had a muscular built. However the look he had going on made me hate him, another cocky player came across my path.

"Well that's unfortunate for you isn't it?" I questioned smirking. I saw the classes eyes go wide and they were silent with anticipation. He chuckled.

"Hun I assume you're new so I'm going to let this slide." He replied cockily.

"Idiot I assume you're dense because I don't care." I replied already annoyed with this guy. He immediately looked pissed and glared at me. Obviously trying to intimidate me however, he doesn't know who I am, doesn't know I could kill him in 10 seconds tops. I let out a laugh " Oh no! Mr.Idiot glared at me I'm shaking in my boots!" I exclaimed laughing.

"Listen up Hun you don't know who I am so I suggest you stay out of my way" he said darkly.

"Funny I was about to say the same thing!" I said smirking.

"What's  a little girl like you going to do to me?" He said smirking. Just as I was about to show him a taste of my secret Emily pulled me back.

"You are at school Kirsty not the ring, you are Kirsty not Poison Ivy." She said whispering the last part. I immediately calmed down no one could know my secret.

"Yes Ma'am." I saluted her and she laughed. I had completely forgot about the boy next to me until I looked up to see him looking down at me seething. "Why the hell are you still here I thought we finally got rid of you!" I exclaimed. He looked like he was about to say something but his friend pulled him away and whispered something. Whatever it was immediately calmed him and he left the classroom. I burst out laughing with Emily. I sobered when I saw the whole class still looking shocked at what had just happened. I clapped bringing everyone's attention to me, "Alright children turn around the play has commenced!" I took a bow and laughed at there faces. One by one they all turned around. I turned back to Emily and smiled to which she rolled her eyes. The rest of the day went by smoothly except for a couple glares from that kid's group, I still don't remember his name.

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