Weird Vibes

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Alex's POV:
"Boss you have a meeting with Josh today." Matt said entering my office.

"What time is it?" I asked scratching my neck trying to recall the information.

"3:30 at the usual spot." He replied. I nodded at he left. I continued to work on my daily task, smiling at the thought of seeing my old friend again. Josh and I were friends and eventually we took separate paths. Me I went to lead the gang, he well he got into some shady stuff so I'm not sure what he's been up to. Eventually it was 3:00 so Matt and I got into one of our cars and drove to the secret meeting location. We arrived there and I saw Josh standing in front of the beat down building. He looked kind of creepy with is greasy slick hair and small eyes. The happiness and light gone filled with sadness and evil. I got out and he did a slight smile.

"Hey Josh it's been a while." I said walking towards him.

"Yeah it has." He replied doing the man hug thing (great description I know).

"What have you been up to?" I asked curious. He waved off the question.

"That's not important but I do have quite a few questions for you sir." He said smiling. I nodded for him to continue as the Matt, Josh, and I entered the building. "How's business and school?" He asked.

"Pretty good I'm excited that I only gave a year left of school." I said smirking. He laughed about my hate for school.

"Any ladies catching your eye?" He said raising an eyebrow teasingly. Immediately Kirsten's name came to mind but I shook that off.

"Not that I can think off." I replied coolly. He nodded.

"Any new girls at the school?" He asked. The way he asked made me concerned it seemed he had ulterior motives than to just make conversation.

"None come to mind," I lied, I didn't trust the glint in his eye. "Can you think of any Matt?" I said giving him a look to make sure he didn't speak of the two girls. He shook his head, remaining silent.

"Oh interesting..." He replied trailing off sounding disappointed and confused. He shook his head and mumble to himself before I interrupted.

"What did you really want to talk about?" I asked wanting to continue the meeting. He suddenly seemed anxious and pulled out his phone he texted someone and not moments later there was a call.

" it an emergency?.. Yes I'll be there soon," His voice sounded like he was acting. He ended the call and turned to me. "Sorry but I'm going to have to leave early." He said. We said our goodbyes and headed our separate ways.

The whole conversation was unnerving. Why was he so concerned with new girls? I asked myself. Why was he acting so weird. I wondered concerned. I decided if he asked about new girls again I would continue to hide Emily and Kirsten's identities. Something was definitely up with those two and right now Josh is acting really weird. I definitely got some weird vibes off him.


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